Agenda 02/12/09


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Aldermen of The Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas, will meet in regular session on February 12, 2009, at 7:00 P.M in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas.


  1. Establish a quorum, call meeting to order.
  1. Recognize any guests present.
  1. Read/consider approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on Thursday, January 8, 2009.
  1. Consider/approve adoption of ordinance calling an election to be held in the Town of Anderson on May 9, 2009 for election of the following official positions: two 2-year terms for Alderman positions held by Tom Johanson and Ernest Henderson and the Mayor’s position held by Gail Sowell.
  1. Consider/approve a Joint Election Agreement between Anderson-Shiro CISD and the Town of Anderson to hold an election per state statue.
  1. Consider/approve an agreement between the Town of Anderson and the County of Grimes authorizing the Election Administrator Becky Duff to conduct the election.
  1. Consider/discuss/approve an appointment of an alderman to fill the unexpired term of David Heyman, deceased, until May, 2010.
  1. Consider/approve the election of a new board secretary to fulfill the position held by Alderman David Heyman, deceased.
  1. Consider/approve payment of invoices currently due and payable.
  1. Discuss and review progress on current projects and miscellaneous items.

This is to certify that I, Gail Sowell, posted this Agenda on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on February 6, 2009.

Posted in


February 03

February 17


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m