Agenda 04/14/05


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Aldermen of The Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas, will meet in regular session on Thursday, April 14, 2005, at 7:00 P.M in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas.


  1. Establish a quorum; call meeting to order.
  1. Read/consider approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on Thursday, March 10, 2005.
  1. Mrs. V. L. Snider, CPA, will present her audit of the financial and other pertinent records of the Town of Anderson for FY 2003-2004.
  1. Consider/approve a resolution canceling the election ordered by the Board of Aldermen to be held on May 7, 2005, for the purpose of electing a mayor and two (2) aldermen. (None of the 3 candidates for 3 positions were opposed at the close of business at 5:00 p.m. March 14, and no one filed stating his/her intent to be a write-in candidate within the statutory time limit.)
  1. Discuss/consider approval for the Town of Anderson to join the Grimes Co. Chamber of Commerce.
  1. Discuss/consider/approve acceptance of property near lift station on FM 1774 on the east side of town. (Pursuant to Sec. 551.072 of the Texas Government Code, this issue may be discussed in closed or executive session.)
  1. Consider/approve payment of invoices currently due and payable.
  1. Discuss and review progress on current projects and miscellaneous items.

This is to certify that I, Gail Sowell, posted this Agenda on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. April 8, 2005.

Posted in


February 17

February 17

March 02

March 03


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m