Notice is hereby given that the Board of Aldermen of The Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas, will meet in regular session on August 13, 2015 at 7:00 P.M in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas.
1. Establish a quorum, call meeting to order.
2. Remarks of visitors: Any citizen may address the Aldermen on any matter. Please sign your name on the form at the back of the room. Limit remarks to 3 minutes. The Aldermen will receive the information, look into the matter, or place the issue on a future agenda.
3. Read/consider approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on Thursday, July 9, 2015.
4. Will Ray, or a TXDOT representative, will be in attendance to answer questions concerning streets in his jurisdiction within the city limits.
5. Mr. Bob Cochrane of Road & Bridge has resigned his position with Grimes County. We will hold off in discussing the town’s needs until he is replaced.
6. Review appraisal roll for the Town of Anderson for tax year 2015 as prepared by Bill Sullivan, Chief Appraiser for Grimes County.
7. Discuss the 2015-2016 FY tax issues including the rate per $100 of taxable property, the time frame for publication of required notices, date for publishing notice of date, time, etc. for budget hearing and adoption, and a brief review of current financial information.
8. Mayor will give update on Master Gardener’s Main Street project. Discuss/consider/accept bid for Wise Landscaping to fix irrigation system, clean out beds and maintain them on a monthly basis.
9. Review quarterly report on activity of the sewer plant supplied by Anderson Water Company.
10. Consider/approve moving meeting for September from the 10th to the 17th (or the 24th) to hold public tax and budget hearings on the same evening along with the regular monthly meeting.
11. Discuss/approve town sponsorship of Navasota Theatre Alliance.
12. City Attorney Casaretto to give update on temporary road closure and violation on Hill St.
13. Consider/approve payment of invoices currently due and payable.
14. Enter into closed session if needed to receive legal advice on matters related to issues in the town. (Texas Government Code #551.071 and #551.072)
15. Return to open meeting; take action on items discussed in closed session if needed (Section #551.102).
This is to certify that I, Gail Sowell, posted this Agenda on the City Hall bulletin board at 8:00 pm on August 9, 2015.
_____ Gail Sowell, Mayor