Agenda 10/09/08


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Aldermen of The Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas, will meet in regular session on October 9, 2008, at 7:00 P.M in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas.


  1. Establish a quorum, call meeting to order.
  1. Read/consider approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008.
  1. Recognize guests present at meeting.
  1. Cori Mooney, Crime Victims Coordinator, and Cheli Greene, Grimes Co. Juvenile Probation officer, will address the council on approving a proclamation as October being Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
  1. John Lindon, representing the Fanthorp Inn State Park, will be on hand to update the Council on future plans for the Fanthorp and discuss annexation or other sources of hookup to the sewer.
  1. Presentation of official budgets for 2008-2009 and amended budgets for 2007-2008 approved at September’s meeting. Due to bad weather caused from Hurricane Ike, copies were unavailable.
  1. Review/approve payment of all accounts currently due and payable.
  1. Mayor will give update on town’s activities and projects.

This is to certify that I, Gail Sowell, posted this Agenda on the City Hall bulletin board at6:00 p.m. on October 3, 2008.

Posted in


March 02

March 03


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m