2017 12 18 Minutes

Special Meeting Minutes
The Town of Anderson, Texas

Members Present: Erna Freeman, Mayor Pro-Tem, Alderwomen: Carol DeBose, Karen McDuffie; Aldermen: Joe Boudreaux, Harold Minor
Member Absent: Gail Sowell, Mayor Michael Casaretto, Town Attorney.

Called to order at 8:00 am

Agenda Items:

Karen McDuffie made a motion to authorize the procurement for professional services of a Grant Administration firm for application and implementation services for a 2016 CDBG-DR grant and for the procurement of a consulting Engineering firm for engineering services for a 2016-CDBG-DR grant. Carol DeBose seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 am.

Karen McDuffie made a motion to authorize the procurement for professional services of a Grant Administration firm for application and implementation services for a 2016 CDBG-DR grant and for the procurement of a consulting Engineering firm for engineering services for a 2016-CDBG-DR grant.  Carol DeBose seconded the motion.  All approved; the motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 am.

Posted in


February 03

February 17


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m