THE STATE OF TEXAS – TOWN OF ANDERSON – BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 11th day of March 2021, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.
1. Call to order: 7:00 p.m.
a. Roll call
Present: Karen McDuffie, Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges, Pam Johnson
Absent: Daryl Alford
b. Establish quorum
c. Invocation given by Kason Menges
d. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag
e. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
2. Public Comments:
Charles Borski – I am against removing
3. Sewer report. Brian & Matt gave sewer report. Things running ok at sewer plant, still fighting pH problem levels. Lift station by high school is running way too much. Generator won’t run, 2017 was the last time oil was changed, it needs battery. Build up in the 1774 lift station. Can get the copper sulfate at half the price at Anderson Auto vs Anderson Water.
4. Consider and take action to approve the minutes of meeting on 2/11/21.
Motioned by Kason Menges. Seconded by Carnell Carrell.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
5. Consider and take action to approve the minutes of workshop on 3/4/21.
Motioned by Bessie White. Seconded by Carnell Carrell.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
6. Consider and take action to approve the list of claims and bills.
Motioned by Carnell Carrell. Seconded by Kason Menges.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
7. Receive and take action to accept the Certification of Unopposed Candidates form from Elections Administrator Lucy Ybarra.
Motioned by Kason Menges. Seconded by Harold Minor.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
8. Consider and take action to approve Ordinance #145-21 canceling the election ordered by the Board of Aldermen to be held on May 1, 2021, for the purpose of electing two (2) aldermen and a mayor. None of the 3 candidates for the 3 positions were opposed at the close of business at 5:00 p.m. on February 12, 2021, and no one filed intent to be a write-in candidate within the statutory time limit.
Motioned by Carnell Carrell. Seconded by Kason Menges.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
9. Consider and take action to repeal Ordinance #141-21.
Motioned by Kason Menges to postpone to April meeting. Seconded by Carnell Carrell.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
10. Consider and take action to approve the installation of speed bumps in the Town.
Motioned by Harold Minor to postpone to April meeting. Seconded by Kason Menges.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
11. Consider and take action to approve changes to the Commercial Construction Permit.
Motioned by Carnell Carrell. Seconded by Harold Minor.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
12. Consider and take action to approve changes to the Residential Construction Permit.
Motioned by Harold Minor. Seconded by Bessie White.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
13. Consider and take action to amend Ordinance #113-16 to include:
a. Adding definition of modular homes.
Motioned by Harold Minor. Seconded by Kason Menges.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
Abstain: Carnell Carrell
b. Amending ages of modular or manufactured homes allowed inside the Town of Anderson.
Motioned by Harold Minor to change the age of modular or manufactured homes allowed in the Town of Anderson to 12 years of age. Seconded by Bessie White.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White
Ney: Kason Menges
Abstain: Carnell Carrell
c. Modular or manufactured homes moved into the Town of Anderson must have been inspected within 6-month period preceding entry into the Town by a certified building inspector.
Item died from lack of motion.
14. Consider and take action to approve changes to the Modular/Manufactured Home permit.
Motioned by Harold Minor. Seconded by Carnell Carrell.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
15. Consider and take action to approve accepting bids for the Town of Anderson mowing and landscaping contract.
Motioned by Kason Menges to postpone until April meeting, seconded by Harold Minor.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
16. Discuss plans for Anderson Clean Up Day on 4/24/21.
8-12, 2 dumpsters needed, trees dumped at sewer plant, B&M will man, Daryl to contact Al
17. Updates on CDBG-DR Grant.
Karen read update
18. Updates from around town.
19. Permit report. – Vendor Permits for event to be held on 3/27/21 at Town Hall. Contact Lisa Bates at GCSO for info.
20. Enter closed session, if needed, to receive legal advice on matters related to issues in the town and personnel matters (Texas Government Code #551.071, #551.072, and #551.074) N/A
21. Return to open meeting; take action on items discussed in closed session (Section #551.102) N/A
22. Adjourn 8:46 p.m.
Motioned by Carnell Carrell. Seconded by Harold Minor.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
Karen McDuffie, Mayor
Daryl Alford, Mayor Pro-Tem