2021 04 08 Minutes

THE STATE OF TEXAS – TOWN OF ANDERSON – BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 8th day of April 2021, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.

1. Call to order: 7:01 p.m.
a. Roll call: Karen McDuffie, Daryl Alford, Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges & Pam Johnson were present
b. Establish quorum
c. Invocation given by Kason Menges
d. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag
e. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag

2. Public Comments: None

3. Consider and take action to approve the minutes of meeting on 3/11/21.
Under public comments, replace “removing” with “repealing”, Carnell Carrell objects to #13.
Motioned by Kason Menges, seconded by Bessie White to accept minutes with change to public comments.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges
Ney: Carnell Carrell
Abstained: Daryl Alford

4. Consider and take action to approve the list of claims and bills.
Motioned by Daryl Alford, seconded by Kason Menges.
Aye: Daryl Alford, Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges, Carnell Carrell.

5. Consider and take action to approve Proclamation for Child Abuse Awareness for the month of April.
Gail Sowell gave an overview of the Child Welfare Board and read proclamation.
Motioned by Daryl Alford to approve proclamation, seconded by Carnell Carrell.
Aye: Daryl Alford, Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges, Carnell Carrell.

6. Discuss plans for Anderson Clean Up Day on 4/24/21.
Flyers have been made, as well as letters for citizens & volunteers to be distributed. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at park to divide up.

7. Updates on CDBG-DR Grant. – Waiting on payment from GLO to pay engineering bill.

8. Updates from around town.
Daryl – Brac Jones says sewage is running on the ground behind Cedar St; prices going up on chemicals for sewer plant from the supplier; disappointed in the 12 years for manufactured housing.
9. Permit report – None to report

10. Enter closed session, if needed, to receive legal advice on matters related to issues in the town and personnel matters (Texas Government Code #551.071, #551.072, and #551.074) N/A

11. Return to open meeting; take action on items discussed in closed session (Section #551.102) N/A

12. Adjourn at 8:13 p.m.
Motioned by Daryl Alford to adjourn seconded by Carnell Carrell.
Aye: Daryl Alford, Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges, Carnell Carrell.

Karen McDuffie, Mayor
Daryl Alford, Mayor Pro-Tem

Posted in


December 16

December 24


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m