THE STATE OF TEXAS – TOWN OF ANDERSON – BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 13th day of May 2021, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.
1. Call to order: 7:07 p.m.
a. Roll call: Karen McDuffie, Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell & Kason Menges were present. Daryl Alford & Pam Johnson were absent. Visitors present were Marc Benton, Matt Julian, Will Borski, Charles Borski & Brian Colbert.
b. Establish quorum
c. Invocation given by Kason Menges
d. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag
e. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
2. Public Comments: None
3. Consider and take action to approve the minutes of meeting on 4/8/21.
Motioned by Carnell Carrell, seconded by Bessie White
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges, Carnell Carrell
4. Consider and take action to approve the list of claims and bills.
Motioned by Carnell Carrell, seconded by Bessie White
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges, Carnell Carrell
5. New Aldermen shall qualify by taking an Oath of Office.
Judge Chris Acord administered Oath of Office for Mayor Karen McDuffie, Alderman Harold Minor & Alderwoman Bessie White.
6. The Aldermen shall re-organize by electing one of its members Mayor Pro-Tem and one Secretary.
Harold Minor nominated Kason Menges as Mayor Pro-Tem, seconded Carnell Carrell.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges, Carnell Carrell
Bessie White nominated Harold Minor as Secretary, seconded by Carnell Carrell.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges, Carnell Carrell
7. Consider and take action to approve two signers for the bank accounts.
Carnell Carrel motioned to have Karen McDuffie, Kason Menges & Daryl Alford as signatories on bank accounts, seconded by Harold Minor.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges, Carnell Carrell
8. Sewer Report from B &M Services.
Overall plant is still running good, pH is barely at the minimum, one sample low in April, generator is now running, replaced one pump, need mowing around the ponds. Had a good day during clean-up.
9. Discuss Anderson Clean Up Day on 4/24/21.
Had a good turnout, need to burn piles, Karen will get with AVFD to see if they want to do a training exercise out there. Would like to do another clean-up day in the fall.
10. Updates on CDBG-DR Grant.
Environmental clearance. Bid notice in paper this week.
11. Updates from around town.
Stop signs vs speed bumps discussed. Karen is working with TxDOT about stop signs. Hope to have an answer by next meeting. Karen wants to put flags out for holidays on downtown portion of Main St. Kason suggested having sponsors for flags. Karen would like to do something for 4th of July on Main St for community. Will be participating in National Night Out on the 1st Tuesday in October.
12. Permit report. None
13. Enter closed session, if needed, to receive legal advice on matters related to issues in the town and personnel matters (Texas Government Code #551.071, #551.072, and #551.074). N/A
14. Return to open meeting; act on items discussed in closed session (Section #551.102). N/A
15. Adjourn at 7:53 p.m.
Motioned by Carnell Carrell to adjourn seconded by Harold Minor.
Aye: Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges, Carnell Carrell.
Karen McDuffie, Mayor
Kason Menges, Mayor Pro-Tem