Town of Anderson
P O Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830
Karen McDuffie, Mayor
Kason Menges, Mayor Pro-Tem
Daryl Alford, Alderman
Carnell Carrell, Alderman
Harold Minor, Alderman
Bessie White, Alderwoman
Pam Johnson, Town Clerk
THE STATE OF TEXAS – TOWN OF ANDERSON – BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 20th day of July 2021, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Budget Workshop of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.
1. Call to order: 7:02 p.m.
a. Roll call: Karen McDuffie, Daryl Alford, Harold Minor, Bessie White (arrived at 7:07 p.m.), Carnell Carrell, & Pam Johnson were present. Kason Menges was absent. Visitor present was Marc Benton
b. Quorum established.
c. Invocation given by Harold Minor.
d. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag
e. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
2. Review, consider and take action on FY21 Budget line items.
Motioned by Daryl Alford, seconded by Carnell Carrell to move $300 from Trunk or Treat to Electricity – Street Lights.
Aye: Daryl Alford, Harold Minor, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell
3. Review and consider FY22 Budget line items. FY22 budget line items were reviewed & discussed.
4. Adjourn at 9:04 p.m.
Motioned by Carnell Carrell to adjourn, seconded by Daryl Alford.
Aye: Daryl Alford, Harold Minor, Bessie White, Kason Menges, Carnell Carrell.