2021 11 30 Minutes

THE STATE OF TEXAS – TOWN OF ANDERSON – BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 30th day of November 2021, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Special Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.

1. Call to order: 7:03 p.m.
a. Roll call: Kason Menges, Daryl Alford, Carnell Carrell, Bessie White, Harold Minor, James Parker and Pam Johnson were present. Karen McDuffie was absent. Visitors present were Gloria Hitchcock, Michael Kimich, Charles Borski, Will Borski, Jason Howell, and Marc Benton.
b. Quorum established.
c. Invocation was given by Kason Menges
d. Pledge to the US Flag
e. Pledge to the Texas Flag

2. Discuss and consider the terms of a draft written service agreement for potential municipal services for proposed voluntary annexation.
Motion by Daryl Alford not to move forward at this time as presented. Seconded by Harold Minor.
Discussion: Concerns traffic survey, emergency services, lot sizes. A roll call vote was conducted with all in favor.

3. Discuss and consider the terms of a draft written service agreement for potential municipal services for proposed voluntary annexation. Due to vote on agenda item #2, this is no longer needed.

4. Consider and take action on updating Town Hall Rental Agreement. A suggestion was made by James Parker to draft an ordinance on Town Hall Rentals and simplify the rental agreement. Motion made by Kason Menges to postpone updates to compose ordinance. Seconded by Daryl Alford. All approved, motion carried.

5. Consider and take action on authorizing repairs and improvements to the Town Hall
Items discussed were:
• Men’s restroom door still needs to be repaired
• Holding renters accountable, someone has to check building after each rental
• Space needed to store chairs & tables – Will Borski will forward contact info for a company he has used for portable building. Harold will building area up for cost of materials for an exterior building that we may get.
• Kitchen cabinets leaning heavily – Daryl will come look at them one evening
• Sidewalk needed in front of building, grass is deep & water stands when it rains
• Signage is needed for building – Daryl brought up dimension needed, last conversation on this was that BB Mitchell was supposed to have been contacted, Kason will look at an email he received recently about signs, Michael Kimich will check on having one made at his work using laser machine. A lit sign was suggested as well.
• Ceiling tiles need to be replaced
• Office space is needed
General consensus was to gather prices and come back at another meeting to discuss.

6. Adjourn at 8:12 PM
Motioned by Carnell Carrell to adjourn, seconded by Bessie White to adjourn. All approved, motion carried.

Kason Menges, Mayor Pro-Tem
Harold Minor, Alderman

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P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m