2022 11 10 Minutes


THE STATE OF TEXAS – TOWN OF ANDERSON – BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 10th day of November 2022, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.

1. Call to order:
• Roll call – Bessie White, Daryl Alford, Karen McDuffie, Kason Menges, Marc Benton & Pam Johnson were present. Harold Minor was absent.
• Establish quorum
• Invocation – Kason Menges
• Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag
• Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag

2. Public Comments: None

3. Consider and take action to approve the minutes of the meeting on 10/13/22.
Motion to approve by Kason Menges, seconded by Daryl Alford, all approved, motion carried.

4. Consider and take action to approve the list of claims and bills.
Motion to approve by Kason Menges, seconded by Daryl Alford, all approved, motion carried.

5. Consider and take action on the Town’s participation in the Christmas Parade on 12/4/22.
Samantha Kimich presented the plan for the Christmas Parade, asking the Town to assist with the parade, need help with putting fruit bags together & cookies. Marc Benton made motion to spend up to $1000 on Christmas Parade, seconded by Kason Menges, all approved, motion carried.

6. Consider and take action to approve Ordinance #157-22 approving the Town’s 2022 tax roll.
Motion to approve tax roll by Daryl Alford, seconded by Bessie White, all approved, motion carried.

7. Consider and take action to select administration / project delivery service provider(s) to complete application and project implementation for the Town of Anderson’s 2023-2024 CDBG funded and administered through the Texas Department of Agriculture by Resolution #97-22.
Motion to approve Resolution #97-22 awarding GrantWorks as the administrator for the 2023-2024 CDBG grant, seconded by Kason Menges, all approved, motion carried.

8. Consider and take action to select engineer to complete application and project-related professional engineering / architectural / surveying services for the Town of Anderson’s 2023-2024 CDBG funded and administered through the Texas Department of Agriculture by Resolution #98-22.
Motion by Kason Menges to approve Resolution #98-22, seconded by Daryl Alford, all approved, motion carried.

9. Consider and take action to hire contractor to paint interior of Town Hall.
Daryl Alford made motion to accept bid from Dennis Husfeld, seconded by Marc Benton, discussion Harold Minor had brought questions to this contractor in the last meeting, but he is not present to present this argument. All approved, motion carried.

10. Consider and take action to approve permit changes discussed in the workshop on 9/20/22 by Ordinance #158-22.
What is the basis for the fees? Is this indefensible? What is a defensible amount?
Motion to postpone by Daryl Alford until more information can be obtained, seconded by Kason Menges, all approved, motion carried.

11. Around Town
• Trunk or treat was a great turnout, complaint about people walking up the hill on FM 1774 in the dark
• Light pole fell on Main St due to house being demo’d
• Karen met with Entergy about light poles on Main St, they are getting inspection crew together
• Brightspeed is inspecting pole in front of Farm Bureau
• Veteran’s Day program at school tomorrow.

12. Permit report – None

13. Entered executive session at 8:16 p.m. regarding personnel matter, closed executive session at 8:25 p.m.

14. Back to open session at 8:26

15. Motion by Daryl Alford to have Town Clerk salary changed per discussion to be effective 11/1/22, seconded by Bessie White. All approved, motion carried.

16. Adjourn at 8:27
Motion by Marc Benton to adjourn, seconded by Kason Menges, all approved, motion carried.

Signed: Karen McDuffie, Mayor
Attest: Pam Johnson, Town Clerk

Posted in


March 02

March 03


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m