2023 05 16 Special Meeting Minutes

BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 16th day of May 2023, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Special Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.

1. Call to order at 7:00 PM
• Roll call: Bessie White, Daryl Alford, Harold Minor, Karen McDuffie, Kason Menges, Marc Benton, and Pam Johnson were present.

Visitors present were David Tullos, Tanya Walters, DeWayne Lucius, Sheryl Lucius, Susan Patrick, Marilyn Bettes, Connie Clements, Bob Goldstein, Lester Underwood, Lucy Ybarra, Tanner Krause, Gary W. Chaney, Erna Freeman, Gail Sowell, Don Sowell, Carnell Carrell, Gloria Hitchcock, Dennis Johnson, Michael Kimich, Samantha Kimich

• Quorum established
• Invocation was given by Kason Menges
• Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag
• Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag

2. Canvass of votes from May 6, 2023, election.
Mayor Karen McDuffie read the results of the election as presented by the Grimes County Election Administrator and presented Marc Benton, Bessie White and Harold Minor with certificates of election.

The Mayor and two Aldermen ran unopposed. Proposition A (reauthorization of ¼ of 1 % tax for road maintenance) passed with 41 for and 6 against.

Daryl Alford made a motion to accept canvass as presented, seconded by Kason Menges. All approved, motion carried.

3. New Aldermen and Mayor shall qualify by taking an Oath of Office.
Oaths of office were administered by Justice of the Peace Lester Underwood to Mayor Marc Benton, Alderman Harold Minor, and Alderwoman Bessie White.

Mayor Marc Benton took over the meeting at 7:09 p.m.

4. Consider and take action to fill alderman vacancy by appointment due to election leaving seat vacant.
Motion by Harold Minor to fill vacancy by appointment, seconded by Bessie White. All approved, motion carried.

5. Consider and take action to nominate and appoint to fill vacant unexpired term of alderman position.
Carnell Carrell and Tanner Krause both expressed interest in filling the vacant position. Daryl Alford moved to nominate both Carnell Carroll & Tanner Krause to fill the position. Carnell Carrell withdraws from the position. Daryl Alford made a motion to appoint Tanner Krause to the position, seconded by Kason Menges. All approved, motion carried.

6. New Alderman shall qualify by taking an Oath of Office.
Oath of office was administered by Justice of the Peace Lester Underwood to Alderman Tanner Krause.

Tanner Krause introduced himself to the council and members of the public in attendance.

7. Elect Mayor Pro-Tem and Secretary of the board.
Motion by Kason Menges to maintain current personnel, Harold Minor as Mayor Pro-Tem and Kason Menges as Secretary, seconded by Daryl Alford, all approved, motion carried.

8. Consider and take action to approve the mayor and two signatories for the bank accounts by Resolution #104-23.
Motion by Daryl Alford to approve adding Marc Benton and leaving Daryl Alford and Kason Menges as signatories, seconded by Kason Menges.

9. Adjourn at 7:28 PM
Motion to adjourn by Daryl Alford, seconded by Kason Menges. All approved motion carried.

Signed: Marc Benton, Mayor
Attest: Pam Johnson, Town Clerk

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P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m