2023 07 13 Minutes

BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 13th day of July 2023, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.

1. Call meeting to order and establish quorum at 7:00 p.m. Bessie White, Daryl Alford, Harold Minor, Marc Benton, Pam Johnson, and Tanner Krause were present. Harold Minor and Kason Menges were absent.

Visitors present were Ryan Newbury, David Lilley, Carnell Carrell, Michelle Bobo, Michael Kimich, Will Borski, Charles Borski, David Tullos.

Harold Minor arrived at 7:04 p.m.

2. Invocation was given by Marc Benton
3. Pledges to the US and Texas flags.
4. Public Comment – None
5. Mayor’s Update
a. Ride around with Road and Bridge – planning to do tree trimming later in the summer, main areas Johnson curve coming from St. Stanislaus. Possibly doing a fall clean up in October for trees, limbs, brush, etc. Buffington & Hill St still on track. Rock may be laid next week.
b. Meeting with Texas Economic Development and Tourism – could do a tourism assessment for the Town, there is an assessment they will do at no charge.
c. Juneteenth, Freedom Fest, Main Street flag display feedback – good feedback so far, would like to see Juneteenth flags out next year & the Town of Anderson having an entry into the parade. Freedom Fest went well.
d. TxDOT requests along SH 90 – going to wait on yield sign on College until TxDoT is finished with SH 90, going to ask for a crosswalk on FM 1774 & SH 90 at the annex.
6. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of the June 8, 2023, Town Council Meeting Minutes
b. Approval of the June 20, 2023, Special Meeting and Workshop Minutes
c. Approval of line-item changes
d. Approval of the list of claims and bills
e. Approval of Emergency Management Plan
f. Approval of Resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the Texas General Land Office (GLO) regarding the Harvey Reallocation Funds.

Motion by Daryl Alford to approve all items, seconded by Harold Minor. All approved, motion carried.

7. Public Hearing Items – None
8. Presentations to the Council – None
9. Reports:
a. Permit report – none
b. Grants report – Michelle Bobo – grants are still on track, may have to reapply for the additional Harvey allocations
10. Committee Updates – none
11. Business:
a. Discussion and possible action on enacting Cell Phone Use Policy. Discussion to have language about specific social media account. Will bring back next month with some amendments.

b. Discussion and possible action on rejoining Grimes County Chamber of Commerce. Discussion – in the past, the Chamber has not assisted Anderson in any events in the past. The name is still Navasota Chamber of Commerce, not Grimes County. Motion by Daryl Alford to not join the Chamber of Commerce at this time, seconded by Harold Minor. Two in favor, three against. Motion failed.

c. Discussion and possible action on amendments to Ordinance 148-22 Rental Use Agreement. Discussion – half day should allow for setup & breakdown. It doesn’t seem fair that half day rentals say 4 hours, which are not allowed extra time for setup or breakdown, yet full day rentals say 8 hours and are at times here beyond 8 hours. Rental should be changed to a daily rate, with no other time frame options.

Motion by Harold Minor to change 148-22 to full day rental only, seconded by Daryl Alford. Three ayes and one nay, motion carried.

d. Discussion and possible action on TML Annual Conference attendance by one or more council member, October 4-6, 2023, in Dallas. No one will be able to attend.

e. Discussion and possible action to submit a Request for Proposal for Administration (RFP) of Resilient Communities Program (RCP) Grant. Includes activities, like building codes, hazard mitigation, zoning. $300,000 is the max awarded, with a town this size, probably looking at $100,000. Motion by Daryl Alford to submit for RFP, seconded by Tanner Krause, all approved, motion carried.

f. Discussion and possible action to return the portion of Buffington between State Hwy 90 and State Loop 429 back to a two-way street. Motion by Daryl Alford to create ordinance to return Buffington to a two-way street, seconded by Tanner Krause. All approved, motion carried.

g. Discussion and possible action of enacting ordinance setting speed limit of 25 MPH on all city streets in the Town of Anderson unless otherwise marked. Looking to put signs up at city limit signs, stating that all Town owned streets have a speed limit of 25, unless marked otherwise. Motion by Daryl Alford to enact city wide speed limit of 25 MPH, unless otherwise marked, seconded by Harold Minor. All approved, motion carried.

12. Executive Session at 8:02 PM
a. Convene into Executive Session pursuant to Sec. 551.072, Texas Government Code, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, or value of certain real property located within the limits of the Town of Anderson.

Ended executive session at 8:46 PM, adjourn until 8:55 PM

13. Return to Open Session and possible action on items discussed at 8:55 PM
a. Reconvene into public session and take action as appropriate at the discretion of the Town Council regarding the purchase, exchange, or value of a certain parcel of real property located within the limits of the Town of Anderson.

Motion by Daryl Alford, seconded by Tanner Krause to move forward with items discussed in executive session.

14. Around Town
• Fall cleanup for trees/limbs in the works for October, Kason Menges would like to turn it into a clean up like in the spring.
• Storage building needs to be cleaned out by the weekend. Michael Kimich has offered to store items in the fire department for 2 weeks.
• Historical marker on Fanthorp is overgrown with vines. Daryl Alford will take his pole saw over to knock it down.
• Tanner Krause has cleaned out weeds on Buffington at Houston.

15. Discussion of agenda items for next scheduled meeting.
a. Cell phone policy
b. Plan for October clean up

16. Adjourn at 9:00 PM – Daryl Alford made motion to adjourn, seconded by Bessie White. All approved, motion carried.

Signed: Marc Benton, Mayor
Attest: Pam Johnson, Town Clerk

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P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m