2023 08 10 Minutes

BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 10th day of August 2023, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.

1. Call meeting to order and establish quorum at 7:00 PM.
2. Invocation given by Kason Menges
3. Pledges to the flags.
4. Public Comment
a. Aaron Hopp – curious to know more about Anderson, especially in the area of CR 220/FM149 E
5. Mayor’s Update
a. Tourism assessment application submission status – has been submitted & will be scheduled after the 1st of the year.
b. Appreciation to Grimes County Sheriff’s Office (GCSO) for installing portable speed sign on Main St – it’s working, people are slowing down.
c. Hwy 90 is on track, hoping to have asphalt down by 8/15, switching to night work so as not to disturb school traffic.
d. Public hearing at 9 am at GCAD to discuss their budget.
e. Attended I14 meeting in Huntsville, still in the planning phase.
f. The fence line cleared at Town Hall.
g. The gate has been fixed at the sewer plant.
6. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of the July 13, 2023, Town Council Meeting Minutes
b. Approval of the list of claims and bills
c. Approval of Ordinance 148-22A – updated Town Hall rental ordinance with changes in rental times as voted on in the meeting held on 7/13/23.
d. Approval of Ordinance 162-23 returning East Buffington to a two-way street from SH 90 to Loop 429 as voted on in the meeting held on 7/13/23.
e. Approval of Ordinance 163-23 setting speed limit of 25 MPH on Town owned streets within the limits of the Town of Anderson as voted on in the meeting held on 7/13/23.

Motion to approve consent agenda items by Daryl Alford, seconded by Kason Menges. All approved, motion carried.

7. Reports:
a. Permit report – none
b. Grants reports
• Harvey – None to report
• ARPA – Engineer contract signed & moving forward to complete by 9/24/23.
• CDBG 23-24 – None to report
• MIT-MOD Allocation – None to report
• Harvey Reallocation – Application has been submitted.
• Resilient Communities Program – Will be awarding administration further in the meeting.

8. Committee Updates – none

9. Business:
a. Review and discuss Chief Appraiser’s submission of the 2023 Appraisal Roll, No-New Revenue Tax Rate, Voter-Approval Tax Rate, and other Tax Rate Adoption Materials.

The appraisal roll for the Town of Anderson is $23,404,542. The no-new revenue tax rate is $0.138370 / $100. The voter-approval tax rate is $0.152869 / $100.

b. Consider and take action to propose the 2023 Tax Rate

Motion by Daryl Alford to propose a tax rate of $0.145000, seconded by Harold Minor. All approved, motion carried.

c. Consider and take action to Consider and take action to select an administration/project delivery service provider(s) to complete project implementation for the Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Resilient Communities Program administered by the Texas General Land Office (GLO) by Resolution #109-23.

Motion by Harold Minor to accept the proposal by Public Management, Inc, seconded by Kason Menges. All approved, motion carried.

d. Discuss plans, rules, and possible dates for October Clean Up.

The date is tentatively set for October 7th. Suggestions that homeowners need to be present, not just pile it on the street for pickup. A list of rules will be forthcoming.

e. Consider and possible action to determine storage solution for the Town of Anderson.

Discussion to level the container at the sewer plant or purchase another before next meeting.

f. Consider and take action to set a date for FY23 budget workshop.
8/21 8/22 8/23 8/28 9/5 9/11 9/12 9/13

Motion by Harold Minor to set date as 8/21/23, seconded by Kason Menges. All approved motion carried.

10. Executive Session at 7:32 pm

a. Convene into Executive Session pursuant to Sec. 551.072, Texas Government Code, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, or value of certain real property located within the limits of the Town of Anderson.

Return to Open Session at 7:45 p.m.

11. Reconvene into public session and take action as appropriate at the discretion of the Town Council regarding the purchase, exchange, or value of a certain parcel of real property located within the limits of the Town of Anderson.

Motion to move forward as discussed in executive session by Daryl Alford, seconded by Tanner Krause. All approved, motion carried.

12. Around Town
• W Buffington looks great & Hill St looks great, would like to see a no truck signs on Hill St
• Homecoming parade 8/30
• Steps from annex to street need to be taken out, TxDoT will be at Commissioners Court on 8/16.

13. Discussion of agenda items for next scheduled meeting.
• Budget hearing
• Tax hearing
• Cell phone policy
• Carnell Carrell – quality homes
• Audit report
• Sewer report
• Trunk or Treat

14. Adjourn at 7:50

Motion by Daryl Alford to adjourn, seconded by Tanner Krause. All approved, motion carried.

Signed: Marc Benton, Mayor
Attest: Pam Johnson, Town Clerk

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P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m