2023 10 19 Minutes

BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 19th day of October 2023, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.

1. Call meeting to order and establish quorum at 7:02 PM. Marc Benton, Daryl Alford, Kason Menges, Harold Minor, Bessie White, and Tanner Krause were present. Pam Johnson was absent. The visitor present was Brian Colbert.
2. Invocation given by Kason Menges
3. Pledges to the flags.
4. Public Comment: None
5. Announcements and Staff Recognition – None
6. Mayor’s Updates
a. Tree/Brush Clean-up Day Report – went well, county hauled off 5 trucks & city hauled off 1 trailer load.
b. Certificate renewals status – we missed the renewal window; they are both now 3 years at 3%
c. Hwy 90 Project Update from TxDOT – Bennet Shepperd. wrapped up hot mix, working on driveways, couple spots for ditch work. Should be no more traffic delays. Installing a turn lane into judicial center, may result in shoulder closure. Will stripe and sign after all previous items complete, couple of days for striping. Timeline up in the air. Trying to open St. Stanislaus driveway for Sunday, rain on Tuesday delayed.
d. I-14 Central Texas Corridor Study, Open House Public Meeting – public meeting on 10/26/23 at the fairgrounds 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
e. Upcoming Fundraisers
i. Anderson-Shiro Education Foundation Dinner, 10/21/23 at St Stanislaus, still tickets available, auction items.
ii. Fundraiser for Tina Kott Medical Bills, 10/29/23 at Town Hall, 11 a.m. until sold out, chicken spaghetti plates, minimum $10 donation, auction items.
7. Consent Agenda: Daryl Alford requested to discuss item separately.
a. Approval of minutes of 9/7/23 and 9/28/23 – Motion by Daryl Alford to approve minutes, seconded by Tanner Krause, all approved, motion carried.
b. Approval of claims & bills – Motion by Daryl Alford to approve claims & bills, seconded by Harold Minor, all approved, motion carried.
c. Approve line item moves for FY23 – Tabled until November meeting.
8. Reports –
a. Permit reports – None
b. Grant reports
i. 2017 Harvey Grant – Vicki Spiess from Grantworks – Close out was submitted over a year ago. Must be closed out before the reallocation funds awarded.
ii. Harvey Reallocation Funds – Vicki Spiess from Grantworks sent over the draft application. Still needed input from Steve Duncan, environmental information, and waiting on GLO for any other required information. Looking for photos of Buffington St during Harvey Flood. Posting on bulletin board for 30-day comment period as of October 4th.
iii. ARPA Grant – Caitlyn Verret from Grantworks. $21,241.70 k, obligate it by 12/31/24, use by December ‘26 – bore highway and run pipe to what Steve Duncan is doing now.
iv. 2023-2024 CDBG (TDA Grant) – Lenore Hellman from Grantworks. Questions received and responded to by GrantWorks on 10/10. Expect award announcement late fall. Work includes FM 1774 lift station and reburying / deepening sewer lines. $500k w/match of $15k.
v. CDBG MIT-MOD – Aron Miller from Public Management. Application is in. No RFI submitted yet by GLO, awaiting word. Road work. Fanthorpe from Buffington to Woodward, FM 1774 to Johnson, Woodward between.
vi. Resilient Communities Program – Aron Miller from Public Management. Quickbase account has been created and Public Management granted access. Need to finish a TREAT survey, need help.
9. Business Discuss, consider, and possibly take action regarding:
a. Discussion of requested modifications to Ordinance 113-16 Pertaining to Mobile Homes, Manufactured Homes, and Manufactured Home Parks. – Discussion only, consensus was to schedule a workshop.
b. Consideration and possible action to establish a depository services contract by requesting applications for the same through newspaper advertisement per Texas Local Government Code Section 105 and designate the mayor as the designated officer for the applications. Motion by Daryl Alford to establish depository services with First National Bank of Anderson, seconded by Kason Menges, all approved, motion carried.
c. Discussion of a possible stop or yield sign on Austin at W Buffington. After discussion, the county will be contacted about a guard rail similar to the one on Fanthorp.
d. Consideration and possible action to approve event permit form and ordinance. No action was taken.
Consideration and possible action to reallocate a partial amount of the existing ARPA fund toward an engineering study to resolve wastewater issues at the College / FM 1774 intersection. – Recommend no action. Spoke with Steve Duncan earlier today and stated this effort is part of next year’s grant and we may want to hold the remaining ARPA $20k to reconnect to new pipes.
e. Consideration and possible action to proclaim November 1, 2023, Kott’s Café Appreciation Day in Anderson. Motion by Tanner Krause to make the proclamation, seconded by Harold Minor, all approved, motion carried.
f. Consideration and possible action to approve a Veteran’s Day Concert on Main Street for the evening of November 10th. Motion by Kason Menges to hold the concert, seconded by Daryl Alford, all approved, motion carried.
g. Discuss plan to raise and level the new storage unit at the Town Hall. Mayor will contact the railroad about getting 8 railroad ties to be placed under the unit at Town Hall and potentially the unit at the sewage plant.
10. Around Town
a. Street sign on corner of Houston and 90 needs to be reset, leaning against electric pole.
b. Light on Main Street still not working correctly.
c. Winking Stars will have Grand Opening on 11/4/23. They will have stagecoach running and courthouse will have tours.
d. Rose bushes at W Buffington and Hwy 90 blocking view & need trimming.
11. Adjourn at 8:19 p.m.
Motion by Daryl Alford to adjourn, seconded by Bessie White, all approved, motion carried.

Signed: Marc Benton, Mayor
Attest: Pam Johnson, Town Clerk

Posted in


March 02

March 03


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m