BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 14th day of December 2023, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.
- Call meeting to order and establish quorum at 7:00 PM. Tanner Krause, Bessie White, Harold Minor, Marc Benton, Kason Menges, Pam Johnson, and Daryl Alford were present. Visitors present were Carnell Carrell, Julie Horn, Geoff Horn, Michael Kimich, and Jon Steiber.
- Invocation given by Kason Menges
- Pledges to the flags.
- Announcements and Staff Recognition: None
- Public Comment: None
- Mayor’s Updates
- Homeless training online if anyone is interested.
- Chere’ Davis photography grand opening Friday at 11.
- Consent Agenda: All consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion and vote.
- Approval of minutes of 11/9/23 meeting.
- Approval of claims & bills.
Motion by Kason Menges to approve consent agenda, seconded by Daryl Alford. All approved, motion carried.
- Reports Informational reports only, no action to be taken.
- Permits – 4 permits that have not been paid for, 1 vendor permit.
- Grants
- 2017 Harvey Grant – no change
- ARPA Grant – no change
- 2023-2024 CDBG – Pam Johnson & Sheri Benton went to kick off last week at BVCOG.
- CDBG MIT-MOD – no change
- Harvey Reallocation Funds – no change
- Resilient Communities Program – having problems with quickbase to get it submitted.
- Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) – work is fixing to start on FM 149 E.
- Veteran’s Day Concert – had a good turnout, lots of positive feedback from the community.
- Tree lighting – went well.
- Anderson Fest – good turnout, no issues to note.
- Christmas parade – had a good turnout, 52 entries this year, would like to coordinate with tree lighting next year.
- Business Discuss, consider, and possibly take action regarding:
- Election agreement.
Still too many unanswered questions, motion to postpone until January meeting, by Daryl Alford, seconded by Kason Menges. All approved, motion carried.
- Potholes in town. Jon Steiber with Road &Bridge was present. Steiber wants to review the quote for the rest of the town, Hill St will be covered under previous payment. Motion by Daryl Alford to postpone until we can get updated quote, seconded by Tanner Krause. All approved, motion carried.
- Around Town
- Prescribed burn on SH 30 causing smoke
- 2 neighborhood dogs are causing problems around town.
- Adjourn at 7:32 pm
Motion to adjourn by Kason Menges, seconded by Daryl Alford, all approved, motion carried.
Signed Marc Benton, Mayor
Attest Pam Johnson, Town Clerk