2024 05 14 Minutes

BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 14th day of May 2024, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.

1. Call meeting to order and establish quorum at 7pm. Members present, Tanner Krause, Kason Menges, Daryl Alford, Mayor Marc Benton, Rebecca Ray, Harold Minor, Will Borski. At 7:01pm Bessie White arrived. Visitors present Brian Colbert, Michael Kimich, Joe Fauth, Sherry Fauth and Gail Sowell.
2. Invocation given by Kason Menges.
3. Pledges to the flags.
“Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
4. Take action to canvas the results of the May 4th municipal election and accept results. Review and accept election from May 4, 2024, to elect three alderman. The top three with the most votes out of the five will be elected. Tanner 35, Kason 30, Brett 14, William 15 and Sophia 10. Motion to accept canvas by Daryl Alford, second by Kason Menges, all in favor. Motion passes. Results of canvas given.
5. New and returning alderman shall qualify by taking their Oath of Office. Judge Fauth providing oath of office. Tanner oath given. Kason oath given. William oath given.
6. Recognition of service of departing Alderman Daryl Alford. Daryl presented with retired American flag previously flown outside the American Legion Hall and presented with plaque for his service.
7. Public Comment no comments. Received email from Lanell Steptoe. Requesting a dog leash law. Advised will be an agenda item for next month’s meeting.
8. Mayor’s Update
a. Spring cleanup results-Great turnout for April Spring Cleanup. Filled ten contractor bags. Thank you to Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management and the members, 8 students from honor society at the high school. No parolees. Will plan more for next cleanup.
b. May events-Three events on Main Street, May 18th Street dance which will include vendors and a stage with a band. May 19th cruising for a cure car show. May 31st family movie night
c. Hall bathrooms remodel-Remodel on hold currently. Received multiple quotes from an interested person. Would like to find ADA codes and re submit bids. On hold until more research. Will plan before fiscal year.
d. IT Audit / Cybersecurity Reminder-Bring in laptops for IT audit. Virus scans updates. Reminder of training for cyber security. Not mandatory but requesting all to do the training. Will allow public to access on our website.
e. Midsouth fiber coming to Anderson-Wrapping up Iola and next stop Anderson then next, Bedias and Plantersville. If anybody in the Town of Anderson wants midsouth fiber, register and express interest.
f. Grimes co chamber of commerce- Met with Chamber of Commerce advised won grant for home to Texas. Lucy will share time between 6 towns. Use this resource toward economic development goals. 24 to 40 hours of the Grant Personnel time over the summer.
9. Consent Agenda:
All consent items are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion and vote.
a. Approval of the April 11, 2024, Town Council Meeting Minutes- Motion to approve by Tanner Krause, second by Harold Minor, all in favor.
b. Approval of the list of claims and bills- Motion to approve by Tanner Krause, second by Harold Minor, all in favor.
10. Reports:
Informational reports only, no action to be taken.
a. Permit Report-sewer permit on hill street. Looking into the connection on that location.
b. Sewer Report- everything running smoothly, information given by Brian Colbert. Ponds are full. 2 manholes to fix from damage caused by locate. 2 recent fixed manholes holding up well.
c. Grants Report-
i. 2017 Harvey Grant-no updates
ii. ARPA Grant-GrantWorks sent new code of conduct. On website for review and download. Will incorporate into code of conduct, update in packet.
iii. 2023-2024 CDBG-Fully executed. Proceeding into comment period, will be on board by Thursday and leave up by June 4th.
iv. CDBG MIT-MOD-planning has started. Still in good for 500k grant. Priorities are sewer, water pipes etc. Make sure it is not the same effort that public management is using. BVCOG helps set priorities. Fauth chairman of the BVCOG board.
v. Harvey Reallocation Funds-no update
vi. RCP-submitted application. Issues with not having current audit. Sent engagement letters.
d. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)-talked to Ben Sheppard. Was supposed to start 90 project last week but due to rain, there is a shortage of materials. Hope to start next week. Once scheduled it will be given to the Town of Anderson. The driveway is a no go at car shop. But will do culverts by donut shop and beyond, post office, and turning lane into judicial center. Waiting on the school board for the turn lane. Not part of that project. Will do a study for passing lanes pertaining to major accident recently on Highway 90.
11. Business:
Discuss, consider, and possibly take action regarding:
a. The Aldermen shall re-organize by electing one of its members Mayor Pro-Tem and one Secretary. Open floor to discussion and nomination for mayor pro tem. The last ones as Pro-Tem were Harold Minor and Kason Menges. Harold Minor nominates Tanner Krause for mayor pro tem. All in favor. Secretary duties explained. Kason Menges nominated by Harold Minor. All in favor.
b. Consider and take action to approve two signers for the bank accounts. Checks and bank require two signers. Mayor is one automatically. Need two alderman as well. It would help if someone is available during business hours. Harold nominates Bessie White and William Borski. Bessie White advised she dies not want the nomination. William Borski is okay with his nomination. Harold advised he will volunteer. All in favor to replace bank signers Daryl Alford and Kason Menges with Harold Minor and William Borski as Bank Signatories.
c. Consider and take action to approve modification of Ordinance 153-22 to include variance procedures. Option to update and leave at 153-22 or update to 168-24. Modifications submitted by James Parker. Section 7 item B. Variance procedures and added section 13. Suggested Town of Anderson to add. Options to accept update one or accept with certain sections. Harold requests remove section 13. Sections 12 and 13 paragraphed under the same name. 12 was added but did not take 13 out. Possibly meant to replace 13. Suggested by Mayor Marc Benton, motion to publish 153-22 with addition of section 7B, addition of section 12 and rename 13 of no free service. Update to 168-24. Motioned by Kason Menges, second by Tanner Krause, all in favor.
d. Consider and take action to approve variance request from Grimes County against Ordinance 153.22. Rodney Floyd requesting to allow single connection to main line from new building to existing, down to main. Already approached Bleyl engineering. No issue advised by Steve. Motion by Tanner Krause, second by Harold Minor. Discussion clear to county ordinance requester needs to come to Town of Anderson. Steve Duncan approached, but still needs to come to Town of Anderson in the future. Look at permit forms. Add a comment section for more details. All in favor.
e. Consider and take action to approve MOU between Town of Anderson and Grimes County to allow use of outdoor electric access during Town sponsored events. Historically set up in front of courthouse use for electrical connection without question. Went to judge to formalize. Drafted MOU stating to allow for any events to utilize for any events. Past 4 hour pay 25-dollar fee. This will apply to anybody. Harold advised it is fair. Give a 5-day heads up. MOU can be cancelled at any time. Motion by Tanner Krause, Second by Kason Menges, all in favor.
f. Consider and take action to approve execution of Engagement Letter with Taylor Boeker, CPA to conduct our FY2023 audit and authorize the mayor as signatory. Action will also require a line-item transfer of $13,500 to cover the additional audit cost. Just finished 2021, just started 2022 called advised will finish 2023 in July time frame. Grants held up due to no updated audit. Will be cheaper if done together. Cost 13500. Need to move 13500 from building fund but never spent previously in previous years. 1-7-400 to 1-5-581 line item transfer location in general funds. 80 percent from general and 20 percent from sewer fund. From sewer account take from 2-7-591 to 2-7-403. Motion by Kason Menges on line item transfer, second by Harold Minor. All in favor. Kason motions engagement letter with signatory, second by Tanner Krause, all in favor
g. Consider and take action to identify roads and accept quote from Grimes County for road improvements. Depending on the amount of work approved, this action may require up to a $6,000 line-item transfer. 3 roads Austin (90 to Johnson), Cedar (1774 to 149), Houston (90 to Johnson). Do all three streets and have some leftover for repairs. Asked to measure additional footage, 900 feet on Houston. May cost more due to unforeseen additions. Suggest move 10000. Motion to move 10000 from 17-400 to 1-6-600 road repair maintenance by Kason Menges, second by William Borski, all in favor. Motion to go to John with three roads with modifications to road and bridge quote by Kason Menges, second by Bessie White, all in favor.
h. Discussion on adopting the 2021 International Building Codes. Asked willing or to consider 2021 international building code. Changes in packet and will be posted to website. Asked to review and questions be sent to Mayor Marc Benton or John for next month’s meeting.
i. Discussion on adopting the Grimes County 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan. A call from Dave Lilly advised was submitted to FEMA, FEMA has not approved yet, but would like the Town of Anderson to approve. Advised when FEMA approves, we would already have it approved. Will be on website for review before next meeting in June.
12. Executive Session at 819pm. Asked public to leave until reconvene.
a. Convene into Executive Session pursuant to Sec. 551.072, Texas Government Code, to deliberate personnel matters.
13. Possible Action from Executive Session at 840pm. Motion to move forward with engagement letter. Advised publicly to accept Ashley Ver Schuur as new town attorney. Kason Menges motion, second by Harold Minor, all in favor.
a. Reconvene into public session and take action as appropriate at the discretion of the Town Council regarding personnel matters.
14. Around Town-Few complaints of rose bush in state ROW on Buffington. South bound it makes it hard to see. Clean up day we were unavailable to clean up trees but now have chainsaw. Contact Town of Anderson if in need of help. Saw sewage in street. Adv Brian Colbert will get the address.
15. Discussion of agenda items for the next scheduled meeting-hazard mitigation, code of conduct ARPA, Juneteenth proclamation, bring back question of membership in chamber of commerce. Fourth of July and discuss leash law.
16. Adjourn at 852pm motion by Tanner Krause and Bessie White, second by William Borski, all in favor

Marc Benton, Mayor Rebecca Ray, Town Clerk

Posted in


December 16

December 24


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m