2014 05 08 Mintues

Meeting Minutes
The Town of Anderson, Tex

May 8, 2014

Members Present: Gail Sowell, Mayor; Erna Freeman, Mayor Pro-Tem; Alderwomen: Carol DeBose, Karen McDuffie; Alderman: Joe Boudreaux

Member Absent: Tom Johanson

Anderson Attorney Present: Angela Collier Seager

Visitors Present: Cindy Bell, Louise & Ken Sanders, Kyle Childress, Ronnie Hale, Leslie Shipman, Taya Shipman, Kermit Bostelman, Karrie Cooper, David Dobyanski, Julie & Ricky Wehmeyer

There was a quorum thus a public open meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Gail Sowell. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Allegiance were recited. Invocation by Rev. Kermit Bostelman.

Remarks of visitors:
Cindy Bell thanked everyone for their help with the tour group that came from Houston. They thoroughly enjoy their time in Anderson. No action by the board is needed.

Karrie Cooper is interested in purchasing a piece of property in Anderson however, there is an issue as to whether she can tap into the sewer system. She has found out that part of the property is with-in the city limits while the other portion is not according to the Appraisal District. It does have city water. She would like to annex the property into the city but has concerns if she does buy the property in question that annexation would be a problem. She was told by the board that that should not be a problem but the process could take up to three months. Board member, Erna Freeman as well as town attorney Angela Collier Seager will contact Mr. Steve Duncan to look at the legal aspect of this issue and check to see if there was an easement issued years ago before the next scheduled council meeting.

Ronnie Hale, Entergy representative was present and opened the floor if there were any questions or concerns. The street light problems were addressed and after the last meeting all seem to be working properly. He did mention that when calling in a problem to specify if the lights are completely out or flickering.

The Statement of Officers, Oath of Office, and Aldermen re-organization was tabled until the next scheduled town meeting to be held on June 12, 2014.

Minutes of previous meeting held on April 10, 2014 were read by each board member present. A motion was made by Joe Bourdeaux to approve the minutes as written The motion was seconded by Carol DeBose. All approved, motion carried.

Anderson Water Company representatives, Ricky and Julie Wehmeyer, explained the billing and maintenance issues that were taken care of during the month of April. Julie presented the board with pictures of the projects and explained in detail what the jobs entailed. She put in plain words that with the age of the sewer system and the deterioration of the taps she predicts we will be encountering more problems with other sections throughout the city.

Mr. David Dobyanski addressed the board concerning the 391 Commission. He stated we need to have a strong body to be able to address things, ex: highways, pipelines, etc, going through Grimes County which includes Anderson. He would like to form a committee which will be a permanent committee which will consist of 2/3 elected officials. He entertained questions from the board and the floor. He also stated that he is in the runoff for precinct 2 as county commissioner and asked for our support.

County Judge-elect Ben Leman was unable to attend due to another commitment.

Joe Bourdeaux made a motion to enter into the Central East Texas Alliance (CETA) as founding members with the cost of membership being $200.00. Karen McDuffie seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.

A motion was made by Erna Freeman to pay bills as presented. Joe Boudreaux seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
The town’s clean-up day was set for June 14th, 8:00 AM-Noon. Karen McDuffie will arrange for the dumpster. Mayor Gail Sowell will mention it in the news column as well as print a flyer mentioning that tires, hazardous material, or normal household trash will not be accepted. Mayor Gail requested that a few board members compile a list of properties in town not in compliance of our nuisance/mowing ordinance so another letter can be sent to the property owners. Carol DeBose, Joe Bourdeaux, and Erna Freeman will complete the list.
Mary Bostelman updated the board that the town’s website is now available for public viewing as of today.

Angela Collier Seager informed the board that Mr. Billy Bean sent a letter stating he would like a more detailed billing from the town as well as reduction in the billing due to the Title 11 agreement back in 2011 between him and the town. He will be sent a new detailed billing along with a letter explaining we will postpone placing a lien on his property only if his bill is paid in full before the next regularly scheduled town meeting to be held on June 12, 2014. She also reported Mr. Bean paid $2,500.00 toward his debt.

Angela Collier Seager addressed Mr. Leslie Shipman’s concerns and letter that he brought to the board last month concerning his desire of the town to re-open Pecan Street . She informed Mr. Shipman that Mr. John Fultz doesn’t recall talking with Mr. Shipman and the town has no obligation to open that street. Nor does the town have to write any letter addressing the issue to the commissioner’s court. He has a right to take it himself to the commissioner’s court.

Next regular session town meeting is scheduled for June 12, 2014.
Meeting adjourned: 8:03 P.M.

Attest: ___________________ ______________________________
Mayor Secretary

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P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m