Meeting Minutes
The Town of Anderson, Texas January 8, 2015
Members Present: Gail Sowell, Mayor; Erna Freeman, Mayor Pro-Tem; Alderwomen: Karen McDuffie, Carol DeBose; Aldermen: Joe Boudreaux, Tom Johanson
Anderson Attorney Present: Michael R. Casaretto
Visitors Present: Chester Finke, Cindy Bell, Bob Cochrane, David Tullos, Gail Cox, Robert Smith
There was a quorum thus a public open meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Gail Sowell. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Allegiance were recited and invocation was given by Tom Johanson.
Remarks of visitors: Cindy Bell reminded the board that the Grimes County Chamber of Commerce banquet was being held on February 7th.
Minutes of previous meeting held on 12-11-14 were read by each board member present. A motion was made by Tom Johanson to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Erna Freeman. All approved, motion carried.
A motion was made by Tom Johanson to approve the placement of the existing portable storage container from its current location by Grimes County Road & Bridge (shown on attached map) and placed between the County buildings (also shown on map). The new position of the container will be placed in the city right-a-way and the county agreed they will move the storage container if the City of Anderson ever needs the use of the easement. Karen McDuffie seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Mr. Bob Cochrane, Grimes County Engineer, gave an update on the speed limit situation on FM 149 from Highway 90 intersection to the high school. He also informed us that TxDot is looking into the stop sign situation on 1774 and Fanthrop.
V.L. Snider, CPA presented the audit of the financial and other pertinent records of the Town of Anderson for FY 2013-14. Erna Freeman made a motion to accept the audit as presented. Joe Boudreaux seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Joe Boudreaux made a motion to approve the second reading of the Salvage Yard Ordinance #105-14. Erna Freeman seconded the motion, all approved, motion carried.
David Tullos, representative of the Grimes Citizens Advisory Group presented concerns including the Bullet Train, the High Transmission Power Lines and the 249 Toll Road that all are planning to come to Grimes County.
Joe Boudreaux made a motion to accept Resolution #’s: #58-15 ( Opposing High Speed Rail in Grimes County), #59-15 (Supporting the No Build option for the cross Texas Transmission Electrical Transmission Line project and supports expanding Houston Area Power Plants, and /or building new plants in the Houston Area), # 60-15 ( supporting the No Build option for Brazos Valley Connection Electrical Transmission Line project and supports expanding Houston Area Power Plants, and/or building new plants in the Houston area), #61-15 (Supporting the No Build option for the State Highway 249 Toll Road project in Grimes County and supports seeking Proposition 1 funding for improvements to State Hwy 105 and FM 1774). Tom Johanson seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Erna Freeman made a motion to host the CETA Morning Brew to be held at Maggie’s Loft in downtown Anderson between 9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, February 25, 2015. Tom Johanson seconded the motion. All approve, motion carried.
Joe Boudreaux made a motion to approve reserving two tables for the Grimes County Chamber of Commerce Banquet to be held on February 7, 2015 at the price of $1000.00. Carol DeBose seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Tom Johanson made a motion to pay bills currently due as presented with the inclusion of the $1000.00 Chamber of Commerce table fees. Carol DeBose seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Other matters discussed were as follows:
Mayor Gail Sowell reported that Ronnie Hale took care of the light problem on Hill and College Streets. We now have a street light.
Joe Boudreaux attended a meeting, Wednesday, January 7, 2015 held at the Court House Junction restaurant. A group is looking for input from the community about internet concerns. They referenced Grants from the USDA. The board members agreed that Town of Anderson already has internet/high speed and a grant is not needed at this time for such a purpose in town. Also, we have our own grant writer for any grant that the town needs to pursue.
Karen McDuffie questioned when the board was going to schedule the Town’s “Clean-up Day”. It was tabled until next meeting in February.
Erna Freeman brought up the need of a recycle trailer/bin in Anderson. The board agreed that this was a good idea a few months back and sent a letter of support. Mayor Gail Sowell will contact the person who was heading this quest up to find out its status.
Open session adjourned: 8:25 P.M.
Closed session opened: 8:28 P.M.
No need to reopen Open session.
Next scheduled meeting: March 12, 2015 @ 7:00 P.M.
Attest: ______________________________ ______________________________
Mayor Secretary