2012 01 12 Minutes





January 12, 2012

State of Texas

County of Grimes

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson met in regular open session in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas, at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, January 12, 2012. Mayor Gail Sowell, Aldermen Daryl Alford, Joe Boudreaux, Alderwoman Carol DeBose and City Attorney Angela Collier were present. Alderman Tom Johanson and Alderwoman Erna Freeman were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Guests in attendance included Cindy Bell, Chester Finke, Billy Bean, and Clint Capps.

Mayor Sowell asked members to read and approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, December 8, 2011. Alderman Joe Boudreaux made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; Alderwoman Carol DeBose seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

Mayor Sowell advised that a representative o the Master Gardner’s Program was unavailable to give an update on the Main St. Project.

Alderman Joe Boudreaux and Mayor Sowell continued the discussion of a speed limit ordinance and stop signs for the city. Mayor Sowell got a quote on the price of various signs to be placed in the town from Sam Nobles of the Road & Bridge Dept. More nuisance information was received from the Grimes Co. Sheriff’s Office for review in putting the ordinance together.

Mayor Sowell advised members that it was time to pay the first of two annual payments on the city’s USDA bond. A payment is made February 1 and another is paid in July. Alderman Alford made a motion to make the payment as presented by USDA; Alderman Boudreaux seconded the motion; all members voted in favor of making the payment.

City Attorney Collier advised members of the progress of condemnation on two properties within the town’s limits. She advised that she was requesting filing fees and waiting to speak with Navasota’s City Attorney to discuss the format to be used. They will also review the Supreme Court’s case decision. Ms. Collier will continue pursuing the condemnations and report back at the next meeting.

Mayor asked members to review and approve payment of all bills due and payable. Motion was made by Alderman Alford to pay as presented; Alderwoman DeBose seconded the motion, all members present voted in favor of the motion.

Mayor Sowell advised that Alderman Boudreaux had put together a sewer application form. Mayor Sowell will keep some here and take some to Julie Wehmeyer at the Anderson Water Co., Inc.

Mayor Sowell advised the council that it was time for another election and that the terms for Joe Boudreaux, Daryl Alford and Erna Freeman were up. Paperwork was given to each alderman up for election.

Meeting adjourned at7:55 p.m.

Posted in


December 16

December 24


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m