2009 03 12 Minutes





March 12, 2009

State of Texas

County of Grimes

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson met in regular open session in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas, at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 12, 2009. Mayor Gail Sowell, Aldermen Ernest Henderson, Joe Boudreaux and Alderwoman Erna Freeman were present; Aldermen Tom Johanson, Daryl Alford and City Attorney John DeMille were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Guests present at the meeting included Mrs. Cindy Bell, John Linden representing Fanthorp Inn and Maurine Wehmeyer.

Cori Mooney, Crimes Victims Coordinator for Grimes Co addressed the council asking for their approval of proclamations naming April as being Child Abuse Prevention Month, as well as Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month, and showing May to be Elder Abuse Awareness Month. A motion to accept the Proclamations was made by Alderwoman Erna Freeman and seconded by Alderman Joe Boudreaux. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

Roger Dempsey, Program Manager for Purchasing Solutions Alliance was present to provide information about the cooperative and ways it might be of value to the city in making future purchases. He is going to provide price lists for basic items. A decision on becoming a member will be discussed at a later date.

The Mayor asked that the minutes from the regular meeting held on Thursday, February 12, 2009 be considered/approved. Alderwoman Erna Freeman made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; Alderman Ernest Henderson seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Mayor Sowell presented a report from the Anderson Water Co. listing average water consumption during December 2008, January and February 2009 for each business and home in town. Alderwoman Erna Freeman made a motion to accept the report using the same charges as used in 2008. Alderman Joe Boudreaux seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

Alderman Tom Johanson was scheduled to present information from TxDOT regarding placement of a truck sign on Buffington St. In his absence Mayor Sowell indicated she discussed the issue with him. Nothing was decided at this meeting.

Mayor Sowell discussed the possibility of an ordinance prohibiting shooting of fireworks in the city. Three of the 4 council members present were in favor of such an ordinance. Mayor Sowell said she would speak to Attorney DeMille about drawing up an ordinance.

Mr. John Linden of Fanthorp Inn State Park was present to ask about progress on his request for annexation of the property he manages. A general discussion followed and steps required were provided to Mr. Linden. Mayor indicated that Steve Duncan would update the plat and contact Mr. Linden when they were ready to move forward.

Mayor Sowell asked for approval to pay current invoices. Motion to pay bills was made by Alderman Ernest Henderson and seconded by Alderman Joe Boudreaux. All members present voted in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.   

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P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m