2012 04 12 Minutes





April 12, 2012

State of Texas

County of Grimes

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson met in regular open session in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas, at 6:56 p.m. Thursday, April 12, 2012. Mayor Gail Sowell, Aldermen Tom Johanson, Daryl Alford, Joe Boudreaux, Alderwomen Erna Freeman, Carol DeBose and City Attorney Angela Collier were present.

The meeting was called to order at 6:56 p.m.

Guests present at the meeting included Cindy Bell, Chester Finke, Dagan Alford, Ronnie Hale, Kim and Clint Capps, Billy Bean, Iron Wolves Motorcycle Club Members and Karen McDuffie-Melton.

Remarks of Visitors:

Ronnie Hale of Entergy addressed members and visitors about current refunds on our bills and other issues concerning electricity.

Karen McDuffie-Melton, who is running for a place on the Board of Aldermen in the May 12th election spoke to all present about her desire to participate in the planning for the future as a member of the Board of Aldermen.

Jeffery Francis, representing the Iron Wolves Motorcycle Club of Bedias, Tx , wished to express their desire to make everyone more aware of the fact that May is designated as Motorcycle Awareness month and presented a proclamation for the city to adopt. Alderwoman Freeman made a motion to accept the Proclamation presented by the group proclaiming the month of May as Motorcycle Safety and Awareness month in the city, and that we further urge all residents to do their part to increase safety and awareness in the community. Alderman Joe Boudreaux seconded the motion; all members present voted in favor of the motion. A group picture of the club’s members was taken with Mayor Sowell.

Mayor Sowell asked members to approve minutes of the regular meeting held on Thursday, March 8, 2012. Motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Alderman Boudreaux; Alderman Alford seconded the motion, all members approved.

Mayor Sowell advised members that Toni Harris of The Owl’s Nest café had requested that the water be left on in the café but to discontinue use of sewer so they wouldn’t have to pay that extra cost. After discussion of the issue, Alderwoman Freeman made a motion to deny the request to leave the sewer connected. Alderman Boudreaux seconded the motion, all members present voted in favor of the motion.

Alderwoman Freeman discussed the need for the city to transfer $75,000.00 in funds from the Operating Fund into the Interest & Sinking Fund, against the costs of the bond issue which still has approximately $320,000.00 to be paid in full by 2037, and $25,000.00 to the Sewer Fund against the need to work on stations and or lines in the future. Alderwoman Freeman put this request into a motion and Alderman Boudreaux seconded the motion; all members present voted in favor of the motion.

Mayor Sowell advised members that she had received word from the First National Bank that due to the size of the C.D.’s the city has there, the bank was short of funds to cover the total. They were asked to write a letter to the bank requesting a purchase of additional funds to guarantee all C.D.‘s would be fully protected. This was done by Mayor Sowell and Alderwoman Freeman as Mayor Pro-Tem who are both bonded.

Mayor Sowell advised members that Julie Wehmeyer of the Anderson Water Co. had requested a change in the manner of payment provided for Rickey Wehmeyer who manages the city’s sewer system. She has asked the city to pay Rickey based on an invoice to be generated through the Water Co. Alderman Johanson made a motion to adopt the change requested; Alderman Alford seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

Mayor Sowell advised that inasmuch as the CPA was planning to meet with the members at the scheduled May 10th meeting no change in date would be made. There will be a short meeting set for May 15 to allow canvassing of the votes from the May 12 election and re-organization of the officers of the Board.

Mayor Sowell and Attorney Collier addressed the question of speed limits and other signs needed within the town. Attorney Collier will draw up the ordinance to get this issue into effect.

Mayor Sowell asked for a motion approving payment of invoices currently due and payable. Alderwoman Freeman made a motion to pay all bills due at this time; Alderman Johanson seconded the motion; all members present voted in favor.

Alderwoman Freeman made a motion to go into a closed session; Alderman Boudreaux seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

Board went into closed session from 7:46 p.m. until 8:10 p.m.

Regular session convened again at 8:12 p.m. Members of the Board were present along with a few visitors.

Alderwoman Freeman made a motion that the city follow the recommendations of the council regarding condemnation proceedings. Alderman Boudreaux seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 8:22 p. m. 

Closed Session

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson met in closed session in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas, at 7:32 p.m. Thursday, April 12, 2012. Mayor Gail Sowell, Aldermen Daryl Alford, Joe Boudreaux, Tom Johanson, Alderwomen Carol DeBose, Erna Freeman and City Attorney Angela Collier were present.

The meeting was called to order at 7:46 p.m.

City Attorney Angela Collier attended a TML Conference on April 6, 2012. The conference was designed to give cities guidance on the current recommendations for condemnation proceedings. She gave a report on the conference (a copy of her notes is attached.

Her summary recommendations were as follows:

  1. Revise the condemnation ordinance.
  2. Consider a separate ordinance for junk, unsightly conditions and junk cars.
  3. City needs to record the hearings when condemning a property and keep an official record with the city secretary. City should include a video of the property when it is inspected. Keep in mind that City Attorney will have to get a search warrant in order for City’s building commission to inspect the properties.
  4. The city council needs to set a budget for these clean-up efforts, including the cost of cases that are appealed to the district court.

Mayor Sowell advised the council that at the Town Hall meeting she intends to explain how the town was established, and explain inter-local agreements with County covering road maintenance and police assistance as needed.

She mentioned a “cleanup day” needs to be established before is handled by County.

The county dump trucks and loader will be needed for the cleanup date.

Mayor Sowell advised that the land sale would be handled in closed session at the May 10th meeting.

This closed session of the Board of Aldermen was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

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P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m