2006 04 13 Minutes





April 13, 2006

 State of Texas

County of Grimes

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson met in regular open session in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas, at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, April 13, 2006. Mayor Gail Sowell, Alderwoman Erna Freeman, Aldermen David Heyman, Ernest Henderson, Bill Robinett, and Attorney Lovett Boggess were present. Alderman Tom Johanson was absent.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.

Guests present at the meeting included Cindy Bell, Jamie Schultz and Robert Lys.

Grimes Co. Road & Bridge Engineer, Robert Lys, met with the Board of Aldermen to present a bid using new RAP material and some left over from last year to pave more roads in town. (A copy of the bid is on file in Mayor Sowell’s office).The estimate covers work to be done on West Buffington Ave., Austin St., Johnson St. and Houston St. It also includes culvert work where needed. The original bid totaled $16,565.08.

Mr. Lys mentioned to the Council members that Main St. to the Baptist Church had not been upgraded for quite some years. He indicated that this area was in need of work and would see if there would be enough left to touch it up this year, or to consider working on it next year. Alderwoman Freeman suggested doing all of Austin St. instead of just the portion from Hwy. 90 to Johnson Ave.

Motion was made by Alderwoman Freeman and seconded by Alderman Bill Robinett to accept the bid proposed by Mr. Lys. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

Mr. Lys will present the cost of additional work requested by the Board at the May meeting.

Mayor Sowell indicated that Darrell Borski’s proposed business site on Hill Street had been visited by Paul Malek. He indicated that the culvert was adequate. The road has a dip—cost to upgrade will run around $2100.00.

Mr. John Wren had a question for the council regarding the culvert in his yard. Since the daycare culvert was reworked the culvert seems to be three-quarters full of dirt and the manhole cover goes underwater when it rains. Two suggestions were made: (1) Replace culvert and re-channel water. This would cost approximately $500.00 (2) Grade ditch and re-channel pipe. This was not guaranteed but there was no cost involved.

The Council members, Mr. Lys and Mr. Wren agreed to try suggestion number 2 first. If that doesn’t work then suggestion number 1 would be considered. Mr. Lys indicated that he would attempt to get the work done within the next two weeks.

Mr. Lys indicated that the temperature had to be 90 or above to use the RAP material and the material needs to sit at least 3 weeks after the oil is added. He estimated work would be done in the summer months.

The Mayor asked that minutes from the regular meeting held on Thurs., March 10, 2006 be considered/approved. Alderman Bill Robinett made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; Alderwoman Erna Freeman seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Mayor Sowell asked the members of the board to approve a resolution canceling the election that had been ordered held on May 13, 2006 covering election of three aldermen. There was no opposition candidate for any one of these positions at the close of business on March 13, 2006, and no one filed an intent to be a write-in candidate within the statutory time limit. Alderman Bill Robinett made a motion to approve the resolution. Alderman Ernest Henderson seconded the motion. All members present approved the resolution.

Mayor Sowell asked for discussion and approval of establishing internet service on the computer in the central office to bring the office in compliance. Alderwoman Erna Freeman made a request that in addition to securing internet service, an upgrade to the memory on the computer and an upgrade of the program used to keep the town’s financial records was needed. Alderman David Heyman made the motion. Alderman Bill Robinett seconded the motion; all members present voted in favor of the motion.

Mayor Sowell advised council members of the mandatory requirement that all members view the video on “Open Meetings Act” training. She suggested that the video could be viewed after a regular meeting in the summer for all Council members.

Mayor Sowell discussed with the Council members moving the dates for the May and June meetings because of other activities scheduled for the regular meeting nights. No decision was made for the date of the May meeting but the June meeting is set for June 15.

Alderman Bill Robinett moved that all invoices currently due and payable be ordered paid. Alderman Ernest Henderson seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

Mayor Sowell discussed progress on current projects and miscellaneous items with the members of the board. (1) Mary Fagan’s house has not been on the sewer service lines, even though she has been paying for the service. A new trailer was moved in and had no service but is now hooked up. (2) City has purchased a 4-dr. fireproof file cabinet to house all records that cannot be replaced. (3) The Mayor, Rickey Wehmeyer, Steve Duncan, Bill Pendley and Mark Laughlin met about sewer lines at the jail. A solution to the problem was found with no cost to the city.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.

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December 16

December 24


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m