2017 05 16 Minutes

Meeting Minutes

The Town of Anderson, Texas



Members Present:          Gail Sowell, Mayor; Alderwomen:  Erna Freeman, Carol DeBose, Karen McDuffie; Aldermen: Joe Boudreaux, Harold Minor

Anderson Attorney Present:  Michael R. Casaretto

Visitors Present:               Cindy Bell, Mary Bostelman, Lee Arnold, Johnny McNally, Ronnie Hale, William Smith, Ian Momin, Valarie Minor, Tony, Pavlock, Ricky Bernard, Rickey Wehmeyer, Blondie Carrell, Carnell Carrell

The canvassing of votes took place at 6:30. Erna Freeman read the Election Returns.  Carol DeBose made a motion to pass Resolution #77-17 reflecting the election results.  Karen McDuffie seconded the motion.  All approved, motion carried.

The Oath of Office was given to each newly elected official.  Erna Freeman asked Cindy Olivieri to order new official handbooks from TML.

Mayor Sowell asked for a nomination for Mayor Pro-Tem and Secretary. Joe Boudreaux made a nomination for Erna Freeman as Mayor Pro-Tem.  Carol DeBose seconded the motion.  All approved; the motion carried. Erna Freeman made a nomination for Joe Boudreaux as Secretary.  Carol DeBose seconded the motion.  All approved; motion carried.

There was a quorum thus a public open meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Gail Sowell.

Pledges were recited.  Carol DeBose gave the invocation.

Remarks of visitors:

Cindy Bell commented on how well the clean up around town was going.


Agenda Items:


Ronnie Hale with Entergy presented Resolution 71-17 to support a proposal by Entergy Texas to amend its certificate in Montgomery County.  Joe Boudreaux made the motion to accept Resolution 71-17.  Erna Freeman seconded the motion.  Mayor Sowell congratulated Ronnie Hale on his upcoming 50th anniversary with Entergy on February 14, 2018.


Mayor Sowell asked for the minutes to be approved after a few typographical errors.  Joe Boudreaux made a motion to approve the minutes with corrections.  Erna Freeman seconded.  All approved; motion carried.


Ian Momin asked council what was needed to move forward with the Houston Street closure.  Joe Boudreaux made a motion to strike from the agenda.  Michael Casaretto stated that the county is still in favor of it.  In previous meetings, the council had requested a traffic study to be performed by TxDOT.  Mayor Sowell thanked Ian Momin for providing sandwiches, cookies, and drinks for all attending the meeting.


Joe Boudreaux made a motion that the town begin with repair work on Cedar (the culvert), Johnson Road, and Methodist Church on Main Street on the area that has been damaged.  Most critical and work with the USDA for Grants and save funds for matching funds.  Mayor Sowell was concerned about Hill St.  Joe recommended putting rocks down to slow damage to the road.  Erna Freeman seconded the motion.  All approved; motion carried.


Erna made a motion to approved the purchase of 8 HP Pro X2 from Avinext.  The cost for each tablet would be $1049.00 with $55.50 for 3-year protection.  Lee Arnold from Avinext discussed with council the advantage of using the tablet to communicate with citizens and using the tablet for all town business. Erna Freeman made the motion to approve the purchase 8 tablets.  Carol DeBose seconded the motion.  Karen McDuffie voted no.  Joe and Harold voted yes.  Motion carried.


Carol DeBose commented on the enormous amount of efforts being made to clean up.  The Health and Safety letters have been mailed and the majority of the residents are willing to clean up.  In June, we will review the work that needs to be done.  Carol DeBose made a motion to table items #7,8, & 9 until the following months meeting.  Joe Boudreaux seconded the motion.  All approved; motion carried.


Mayor Sowell asked for council to review bills to be paid.  Joe Boudreaux made a motion to approve.  Carol DeBose seconded the motion.  All approved; motion was carried.


Item 10- Moved to closed session.

Open session adjourned: 8:22 P.M.

Closed session opened: 8:30 P.M.

Closed session closed:  9:50 P.M.


Posted in


December 16

December 24


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m