May 10, 2012 The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson met in regular open session in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas, at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 10, 2012. Present were Mayor Gail Sowell, Alderwomen Erna Freeman, Carol DeBose, Aldermen Tom Johanson, Daryl Alford, Joe Boudreaux, City Attorney Angela Collier.
Visitors present were Cindy Bell, Chester Finke, Ginger Snider and guests, Ken and Louise Sanders, Karen McDuffie-Melton and Billy Bean.
Ms. V. L. Snider, CPA, presented the audit of the financial and other pertinent records of the Town of Anderson for FY 2010-2011. She provided a comprehensive review of the report. She advised that the town’s audit was clean and that the overall financial position of the town was very good.
Mayor Sowell asked members present to read and consider approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on Thursday, April 12, 2012. Alderwoman Freeman made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; Alderman Johanson seconded the motion, all members present voted in favor of the motion.
Attorney Collier discussed the adoption of an amendment to the original condemnation ordinance (73A-09). She advised that the building code would be clarified with the addition of two amendments. A copy of these additional items are attached. Alderman Daryl Alford made a motion to adopt the amendment to Ordinance 73A-09 as outlined by Attorney Collier. Alderman Joe Boudreaux seconded the motion; all members present voted in favor of the motion.
Alderwoman Freeman made the statement regarding annexation can be considered by the town if a request is made by a landowner. Gail Cox was on hand requesting annexation to the town and had the proper paperwork to do so.
Motion was made by Alderwoman Erna Freeman to accept Ms. Cox’s request; Alderman Boudreaux seconded the motion. All members voted in favor of the motion. Mayor Sowell indicated that Steve would review this request and handle the needed paperwork.
Mayor Sowell asked members to consider/approve payment of invoices currently due and payable. Alderman Boudreaux made a motion to pay all bills as presented on the monthly invoice. Alderman Alford seconded the motion; all members present voted in favor of the motion.
Mayor Sowell advised members that she had included an Agenda covering a special meeting for Tuesday, May 15, at 7:30 p.m. to canvass votes from May 12th election. At that time city’s attorney, Angela Collier, will swear in the returning and/or new members. The members then convene as a “committee of the whole” and offer nominations for the offices of Mayor Pro-Tem and Secretary.
Mayor Sowell presented a draft of the speed limit and strop sign ordinance being considered. After a review, members indicated a need for additional signs around the town including dead-end signs. It was suggested that members carefully review the ordinance as prepared by Attorney Collier and correct these items before approving the addendum. This addendum will be approved in June if all members are satisfied with the additions/corrections.
City Attorney Angela Collier provided an update on condemnations and sale of property. She advised she had scheduled an inspection of Billy Bean’s property. After the inspection the members of the Inspection team will send their findings to her. At that time a determination by the members of the board will be required.
With regard to the Peavy property, Ms Collier advised that she will be re-starting the process of condemnation. She will review all materials gathered up to the present and move forward.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m.