2017 07 13 Minutes

Meeting Minutes

The Town of Anderson, Texas



Members Present:          Gail Sowell, Mayor; Alderwomen:  Erna Freeman, Carol DeBose, Karen McDuffie; Aldermen: Joe Boudreaux, Harold Minor

Anderson Attorney Present:  Michael R. Casaretto

Visitors Present:               Cindy Bell, Lee Arnold, Vanessa Burzynski, Michael Ethridge, Susan Boudreaux, Carnell Carrell, Blondie Carrell, Gail Cox

There was a quorum thus a public open meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Gail Sowell.

Pledges were recited.  Carol DeBose gave the invocation.

Remarks of visitors:

Cindy Bell reminded everyone of the business expo and chamber banquet. She also discussed the town participating in recognition of historical parts of the town.

Mayor Sowell recognized Michael Ethridge from Congressman Keven Brady’s Huntsville office in the audience.  He wanted everyone to know that they are a resource with any issue with federal agency.  The regional office number is 936-441-5700 in Conroe and Huntsville 936-439-9532.

Agenda Items:

Rebecca Duff with Grimes County Voter Registrar’s office spoke to the council regarding reducing the cost of elections in the future by holding the election in our building.

Mayor Sowell asked the council to review the minutes from the June meetings.  Joe Boudreaux made the motion to approve the minutes.  Erna Freeman seconded the motion.  All approved and the motion passed.

Susan Boudreaux spoke for Anderson Historic District and it’s vision for the future.  She listed the historical sites within the town limits stating that these buildings are a testament to the historic nature of Anderson and contribute to the climate and charm of the town.  The Anderson Historic District (AHD) is working with other towns in the area to see how they increased funding.  The AHD is asking for the town council to consider a plan for town development.  Erna Freeman asked if the AHD was looking for council participation.  Susan Boudreaux stated Carol DeBose is involved with AHD.  Erna Freeman asked that the Anderson Historic District be added to the next months agenda.

Lee Arnold explained the Texas Administrative Code, Sections 111.201-221 regarding Outdoor Burning.  Per state law, there is a law restricting outdoor burning within the town limits in an open area.  Household trash may only be burned in a burn barrel if there is no trash service offered within town.  Only household waste, those things made in a normal day to day activity.  Trash must be produced at that house and burned at that house as long as it is not a nuisance to anyone.  Due to recent cleanup activities in town, people asked to burn down old houses.  The town will create an interlocal agreement with the Anderson Volunteer Fire Department and create a permit so that residents who need to burn can fill out a permit and the town will arrange with the Anderson Volunteer Fire Department to be on site at the time of burn.  The permit and interlocal agreement will be on the agenda for next month.

Carnell Carrell presented to council the proposal to open up Austin and Houston Streets from Buffington to Hwy. 90.  Mr. Carrell stated he felt he could get the previous survey to find road boundaries to save expenses.   Discussion was made regarding cost of paving and road construction.  The council agrees that the current streets are a priority over opening new roads.  In the interim, Erna Freeman made a motion get survey done on Houston and Austin Street if the Carrell’s cannot find a current survey.  Harold Minor seconded the motion.  All approved; the motion carried.

Joe Boudreaux made a motion to approve the reimbursement of a rental where bugs were present and the air conditioner was out.  Harold Minor excused himself from voting.  Karen McDuffie seconded the motion.  All approved; the motion carried.

Mayor Sowell called for agenda items 5 & 6 to be reviewed.  Michael Casaretto will review with TML to verify that it was appropriate to change.  Erna Freeman made a motion to table both items.  Joe Boudreaux seconded the motion.  All approved; the motion carried.

Mayor Sowell asked for the council to review the bills.  Carol DeBose made a motion to approve the bills as listed.  Harold Minor seconded.  All approved: the motion carried.

Open session adjourned: 8:52 P.M.

Closed session opened: 9:00 P.M.

Closed session closed:  9:50 P.M.


Posted in


October 07

October 13

October 13


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m