September 20, 2012
State of Texas
County of Grimes
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gail Sowell at 7:00 p.m. to hold public hearings on the proposed tax rate for fund year 2012-2013 and on the proposed town budget for fund year 2012-2013. The public hearing on condemnation was postponed due to an unforeseen conflict.
The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson met in regular open session after holding public hearings on the tax rate and budgets in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas at 7:35 p.m. Thursday, September 20, 2012. Present were Mayor Gail Sowell, Aldermen Erna Freeman, Carol DeBose, Karen McDuffie-Melton, Tom Johanson, and Joe Boudreaux.
Guests present were Cindy Bell, Chester Finke, Tony Pavlock, Daryl Alford, Kim Sanders, Bill Sullivan, Kermit Bostelman, and, Mary Bostelman .
Citizen remarks were recognized by the Board. Daryl Alford discussed the possibility of blocking off 1774 to the Courthouse as a safety feature for the October 27 “Trunk or Treat Night”. He noted that a deputy would need to be placed at the barricade on 1774 that night. Mayor Sowell will take care of the issue.
Mary Bostelman noted that there is a safety issue at Hill and Buffington streets. She stated that the STOP sign is not easily seen on Hill Street because limbs are obscuring the STOP sign. Daryl Alford offered to cut the limbs. Additionally, it was noted that the limbs at the corner of Main and 1774 next to Joe Gust’s property are obscuring the signs. Mr. Alford volunteered to help with that problem also.
Cindy Bell noted that the Texas Model T Car Group will be in Anderson on the morning of Saturday, October 6, 2012 from approximately 10:00 until 12:00. Mayor Sowell will open the Courthouse to the visitors. She further noted that the Historic Anderson Museum will also be open that morning. She requested that anyone interested in helping with visitors to be available that morning.
Mayor Sowell asked the members to review and approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 16, 2012. A motion was made by Alderman Boudreaux and seconded by Alderman DeBose to accept the minutes as presented. All members present voted in favor of the motion.
Members discussed the proposed tax rate that had been presented by Bill Sullivan during the public hearing held prior to the regular meeting. It was noted that this year’s proposed tax rate exceeds the effective tax rate. A motion was made by Joe Boudreaux which stated: I move that the property tax rate be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of 0.207900, which is effectively a 0.83% increase in the tax rate. The motion was seconded by Tom Johanson. With no further discussion, the tax rate for 2012-2013 was adopted by agreement of all members. (Ordinance # 90-12)
Members were asked to consider and approve budget amendments for the current fiscal year of 2011-2012. Members were asked to consider and approve budget amendments for the current annual sewer budget. A motion was made by Erna Freeman to accept the proposed budget amendments with corrections. The motion was seconded by Carol DeBose. The motion passed with all in agreement.
The members were asked by Mayor Sowell to consider/adopt a budget by ordinance including all receipts and disbursements for the Town of Anderson for the fiscal year of 2012-2013. The motion was made by Joe Boudreaux to adopt the budget by ordinance (Ordinance # 91-12) including all receipts and disbursements. The motion was seconded by Carol DeBose. The motion was accepted with all in agreement.
Mayor Sowell read a proclamation from the Crime Victims Assistance program declaring October to be Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Erna Freeman made a motion to accept approval of the proclamation. Karen McDuffie-Melton seconded the motion. The motion was passed with all in agreement.
Mayor Sowell asked members to consider voting for the TML Board of Trustees. Erna Freeman made a motion to recommend Kavon Novak (Caldwell), Place11; Tom Johanson made a motion to second it. The motion was approved by all members. Tom Johanson made a motion to recommend Larry Gilley (Abilene) for Place 12. The motion was seconded by Karen McDuffie-Melton. The motion passed with all in agreement. Joe Boudreaux made a motion to recommend Keith Olson (Huntsville) for Place 13, and it was seconded by Erna Freeman. The motion was approved by all members. Tom Johanson made a motion to approve Cynthia Kirk (Bryan) for Place 14. The motion was seconded by Carol DeBose. The motion was approved by all members.
The members considered approval of payment of invoices currently due and payable. Joe Boudreaux made a motion to pay all bills currently due and payable. The motion was seconded by Carol DeBose. The motion was passed by all members in agreement.
The members entered into closed session at 7:55 p.m. and returned to public session at 8:05.
The members discussed authorizing Mayor Sowell to hire a contract person to fulfill the duties currently held by Mrs. Stanley who is on medical leave. A motion was made by Joe Boudreaux and seconded by Erna Freeman to authorize the Mayor to contract with a person to fulfill Mrs. Stanley’s duties while she is on medical leave and to assist Mrs. Stanley in the future. The motion was seconded by Erna Freeman. The motion was accepted by all members.
The Mayor discussed recent projects and updates.
With no further discussion, Mayor Sowell adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
Closed Session
The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson met in closed session after holding public hearings on the tax rate and budgets in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas at 7:55 p.m. Thursday, September 20, 2012. Present were Mayor Gail Sowell, Aldermen Erna Freeman, Carol DeBose, Karen McDuffie-Melton, Tom Johanson, and Joe Boudreaux.
A motion was made by Joe Boudreaux and seconded by Erna Freeman to authorize the Mayor to contract with a person to fulfill Mrs. Stanley’s duties while she is on medical leave and to assist Mrs. Stanley in the future. The motion was accepted by all members. Recommended for this position was Mary Bostleman, wife of Kermit Bostleman, Pastor of Zion Lutheran Church.
With no further discussion, Mayor Sowell adjourned the meeting at 8.01 p.m.