Meeting Minutes
The Town of Anderson, Texas
Members Present: Gail Sowell, Mayor, Karen McDuffie, Mayor Pro-Tem, Aldermen Carol DeBose, Harold Minor, Daryl Alford, Carnell Carrell
Anderson Attorney Absent: Michael R. Casaretto
Visitors Present: Cindy Bell, Kason Menges, William Borski, Joe Boudreaux, Jenna Blinn, William Smith, Geoff Horn, Julie Horn, Lori Clayton, Johnny McNally, Charles Borski, Timothy Berry
Establish a quorum; Called to order at 7:00 pm.
Pledges recited.
Harold Minor gave invocation.
Remarks of visitors:
Lori Clayton passed out her packet to council regarding her variance request. She asked to be added to next month’s agenda.
Johnny McNally discussed upcoming Chamber events.
Joe Boudreaux asked council to consider adding the pile on Hwy 90 to be removed along with the property on Houston Street.
Agenda Items:
Mayor Sowell asked council to review the minutes of the regular meetings held on Thursday November 8 & December 13, 2018 along with the minutes from the special meeting held on December 7, 2018. Daryl Alford made a motion to approve all the minutes presented. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.
Mayor Sowell asked council to consider adding an emergency clause to the town ordinances. Mayor Sowell will get with the Sheriff in regards to having an officer inform the resident. Discussion was made in regards to various steps to take.
Mayor Sowell verified that Daryl Alford and Carnell Carrell will put up tape and a sign at the house on Houston Street. Harold Minor made a motion to approve these steps. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.
Mayor Sowell asked council to consider the approval for a donation of $1,500 to the Anderson Volunteer Fire Department. Daryl Alford made a motion to approve. Carol DeBose seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.
Mayor Sowell asked council to consider renewing our membership with the Central East Texas Alliance (CETA). Johnny McNally explained the value of membership. Carnell Carrell made a motion to approve. Daryl Alford seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.
Johnny McNally discussed the Chamber of Commerce Banquet. Karen McDuffie made a motion to approve attending the banquet. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.
Mayor Sowell asked council to consider adding the Variance language to the Mobile Home Ordinance #113-16 and Building Codes Ordinance #119-17. Daryl Alford recommended that the newspaper section be removed and replaced with adding to the town website. Daryl Alford made a motion to approve the language. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.
Carol DeBose asked council to move forward in recognizing past mayors and council with a plaque. Mayor Sowell will look into the type of plaque to use. Daryl Alford made a motion to approve moving forward with recognizing past members. Harold Minor seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.
Mayor Sowell asked council to review and consider payment of invoices. Carnell Carrell made a motion to approve payment of invoices. Carol DeBose seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.
Mayor Sowell reminded everyone that it is time for elections again. Up for election is Mayor, and 2 aldermen; the first day to file is January 16 and last day is February 15. Cindy Olivieri will also accept applications for the City of Plantersville elections as a favor to the City of Plantersville. Mayor Sowell informed council she signed up to participate with the County for Emergency Mitigation. Two members will need to participate. Mayor Sowell confirmed with TML that the town only has to post notice of meetings on the bulletin board and website. Carnell Carrell asked to add a closed meeting to next month’s agenda in regards to personnel. Daryl read a letter to council regarding the wonderful Anderson Holiday Fest from owner of Rust to Roses. Council discussed how wonderful the event was and no comments were made regarding the event.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:08 pm.