2006 10 12 Minutes





October 12, 2006

State of Texas

County of Grimes

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson met in regular open session in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas, at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, October 12, 2006. Mayor Gail Sowell, Aldermen Tom Johanson, Ernest Henderson, Alderwoman Erna Freeman and Attorney Lovett Boggess were present. Aldermen Bill Robinett and David Heyman were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m.

Mayor Sowell asked that minutes from the regular meeting held on Thursday, Sept. 22, 2005 be considered/approved. Alderwoman Erna Freeman made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; Alderman Tom Johanson seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

Guests recognized at this meeting were Cindy Bell and Maurine Wehmeyer.

Mayor Sowell brought attention to the fact that the annual donation to the Grimes Co. Volunteer Fire Dept. was included in bills to be paid at this meeting.

The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts informed the city by letter that the period for collecting ¼ of 1% sales tax for street maintenance expires in 2007. To continue collecting this tax the city must hold an election prior to the expiration date. Alderwoman Erna Freeman made a motion to offer a place on the May, 2007 ballot for citizens to approve this tax. Alderman Ernest Henderson seconded this motion; all members present voted in favor of the motion.

After discussion regarding the immigration resolution from the city of Farmer’s Branch, it was agreed that the council would not participate at this particular time.

Alderman Thomas Johanson made a motion to pay all invoices and accounts currently due. Alderwoman Erna Freeman seconded the motion and all members present voted in favor of the motion.

Mayor Sowell briefly discussed activities and projects with the Council. Cindy Bell, of Historic Anderson, Inc. advised the council that the bank proposes to provide additional parking for its employees and/or public spaces across the street from the bank in the park owned by Historic Anderson.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.

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March 02

March 03


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m