2017 11 09 Minutes

Meeting Minutes

The Town of Anderson, Texas



Members Present:          Gail Sowell, Mayor; Alderwomen:  Erna Freeman, Carol DeBose, Karen McDuffie; Aldermen: Joe Boudreaux; Harold Minor

Anderson Attorney Present:  Michael R. Casaretto

There was a quorum thus a public open meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Gail Sowell.

Pledges were recited.  Carol DeBose gave the invocation.

Visitors Present:               Cindy Bell, Blondie Carrell, Carnell Carrell, Jim Hassell, Sally Whitaker, Melissa Darst Derek Darst, Daryl Alford, Brandon Novosad, David Whitaker, Christy Smith

Remarks of visitors:

Cindy Bell discussed upcoming events at the Chamber of Commerce. Twilight Firelight will be the Saturday after Thanksgiving.    Daryl Alford thanks for all the help at Trunk or Treat.  It was a great event.  Melissa Darst discussed upcoming events at the Food Pantry.  The farmers market will be November 18.  The Food Pantry has joined with the Chamber of Commerce for the Toy Drive.  December’s Farmers Market will be December 3rd.


Agenda Items:

Karen McDuffie made motion to accept the minutes.  Joe Boudreaux seconded the motion.  All approved; the motion passed.


Mayor Sowell asked council to go into closed session.


Enter into Closed Session   7:15 pm.

Closed session adjourned   7:27 pm.

Returned to regular session 7:30 pm.


Mayor Sowell asked for a motion to hire Paul Cassidy as our town inspector.  Joe Boudreaux made a motion to approve Paul Cassidy as the town inspector.  Erna Freeman seconded the motion.  All approved; the motion passed.


Mayor Sowell asked to set up a permit work shop.  Erna Freeman made a motion to set the workshop for Thursday, November 30, 2017   at 5 pm.  Harold Minor seconded the motion.  All approved; the motion passed.


Karen McDuffie made a motion to accept the Tax Roll amount.  Harold Minor seconded the motion.  All approved; the motion passed.


Erna Freeman made a motion to apply our votes for the Grimes County Appraisal District to Sam Raffino.  Joe Boudreaux seconded.   All approved; the motion passed.

Mayor Sowell gave a report on Trunk or Treat.  She reported that it seemed to be a bigger event than last year.  Karen McDuffie reported we cooked 720 hotdogs.  The Anderson Baptist Church gave out 700 sausages on a stick too.    Mayor Sowell also reported on the plaque for the American Legion Hall donation.


Joe Boudreaux gave a report on road repairs.  Johnson Street will cost $2,200 more because they did more concrete work.  Harold felt they should have put in a bigger pipe and direct water in different place.


Mayor Sowell asked council to review bills.  Karen McDuffie made a motion to accept bills.  Joe Boudreaux seconded bills. All approved; the motion passed.


Mayor Sowell asked Michael Casaretto for any reports.  Michael Casaretto reported on permits that have been in the works for the past 6 months.  This upcoming workshop will set permits and pricing.



Open session adjourned: 7:44 P.M.

Posted in


December 16

December 24


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m