Meeting Minutes
The Town of Anderson, Texas
Members Present: Gail Sowell, Mayor; Karen McDuffie, Mayor Pro-Tem; Aldermen: Harold Minor, Daryl Alford, Carnell Carrell
Members Absent: Carol DeBose
Anderson Attorney Present: Michael R. Casaretto
Visitors Present: Cindy Bell, Dorothy Grupa, William Borski, Timothy Berry, Susan Boudreaux, Joe Boudreaux, Sarah Nash, Erna Freeman, Brian Coleman, Talitta Coleman, Dustin Coleman, William Smith, Gail Cox, Lester Quinney, Jenna Blinn, Christi Shreve
Called to order: 6:47 pm
Mayor Sowell asked Karen to discuss her reason for calling a workshop. Karen McDuffie stated she wanted to be able to discuss things on the agenda in general. Daryl Alford reaffirmed Karen McDuffie’s concerns. Mayor Sowell will call TML to see how to resolve the problems. The audience was concerned about not finding out about meetings. How can the public know about meetings? Ideas were presented such as calling each home,
emailing everyone, leaving message on recorder, PSA on local radio station. Mayor Sowell will discuss with TML.
Regular Meeting:
Called to order at 7 pm
Pledges were recited.
Harold Minor gave the invocation.
Remarks of visitors:
Cindy Bell commented on upcoming events at the Chamber of Commerce.
Other comments were regarding upcoming Anderson Holiday Fest which would be addressed when Charlie Diggs
Agenda Items:
Mayor Sowell asked council to review the minutes from the regular December 7, Daryl Alford had a issue with previous minutes and thus the regular minutes need to be revised and Karen McDuffie was not in attendance. Mayor Sowell read the minutes from the special meeting and Daryl Alford requested that he wanted his comments added that Charlie Diggs would reimburse the town for the legal fees.
Mayor Sowell asked for Charlie Diggs to speak next. He discussed parking for the event and logistics.
Mayor Sowell asked council to table item the language for the variance until next month. Daryl Alford made a motion to table until next month. Carnell Carrell seconded. All approved; the motion carried.
Mayor Sowell asked council to review the bills. Karen McDuffie made a motion to approve the invoices. Harold Minor seconded. All approved; the motion carried.
Daryl Alford commented that a boy was bitten in town by a pit bull.
Meeting adjourned: 7:55 P.M.