2014 12 11 Minutes

Public Hearing Minutes

The Town of Anderson, Texas
December 11, 2014

Members Present: Gail Sowell, Mayor; Erna Freeman, Mayor Pro-Tem; Alderwomen: Karen McDuffie, Carol DeBose; Aldermen: Joe Boudreaux, Tom Johanson
Anderson Attorney Absent: Michael R. Casaretto
Visitors Present: Chester Finke, Cindy Bell, Perry Ealim, Jeanette Doyal, Clint Capps, Barbara Newsome, Wanda Creeks, Vicki Spiess, Bob Cochran

There was a quorum thus a public hearing was called to order at 6:33 P.M. by Mayor Gail Sowell.

Vicki Spiess of GrantWorks, Inc. presented the 2015/2016 Texas Community Development Block Grant application process. She went over the stipulations, community involvement, scoring that is used to determine if the town is eligible to apply for the grant, cost to the town, and what this grant could be used for to help make improvements for the town.

Several citizens shared their input on what they feel the town needs to improve on. Among those improvements mentioned were a home revitalization program of some kind, drainage along road/street work, and the waste water sewage system updates.

The process of applying for the grant was again reviewed with question from the floor asking if the survey had been completed and how do they choose what residents in town will be asked. Vicki answered that the survey is a random sampling of residents and was planning on being done the first week of December. Another question asked was if the grant is guaranteed to be accepted. Vicki answered that it depends on who else in the region has applied; it goes by per capita of income, which has the most beneficiaries, etc…. Another question arose asking if communities can join together to apply for this grant? Vicki informed for this grant no. However, if the city had outside sewage and water supply then they can join forces.
It was stated by Ms. Vicki Spiess that these items need to be prioritized. The consensus by those in attendance was that the sewer system upgrade should be the main priority.

Vicki Spiess and Mayor Gail stated that the system is over 10 years old. The EPA & TCEQ standards are required to be met and if they are not, the fines could be harsh on the town.
Public Hearing closed: 6:56 P.M.

Attest: ______________________________ ______________________________
Mayor Secretary

Meeting Minutes

The Town of Anderson, Texas
December 11, 2014

Members Present: Gail Sowell, Mayor; Erna Freeman, Mayor Pro-Tem; Alderwomen: Karen McDuffie, Carol DeBose; Aldermen: Joe Boudreaux, Tom Johanson

Anderson Attorney Present: Michael R. Casaretto (late)

Visitors Present: Chester Finke, Cindy Bell, Perry Ealim, Scott McDuffie, Clint Capps, Barbara Newsome, Wanda Creeks, Vicki Spiess, Bob Cochran, Kermit Bostelman, Janette Doyal.

There was a quorum thus a public open meeting was called to order at 7:08 P.M. by Mayor Gail Sowell. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Allegiance were recited and invocation was given by Tom Johanson.

Remarks of visitors:
Perry Ealim thanked the town, the Mayor, and all involved for a wonderful “Christmas with Us” event. He stated that the feedback from lots of people were that they can’t wait for next year!
Cindy Bell brought up a concern that there is no stop sign on Fanthrop and SR 1774 on either side. Board member Erna Freeman requested that Mr. Bob Cochran, who was in attendance, look into that situation. Board members Tom Johanson and Joe Boudreaux will see if there are any other dangerous areas in town that also need addressing with a stop sign and report back.
Bob Cochran brought up a concern that he was approached by a citizen about the posted speed limit on FM 149 from Hwy 90 to the high school which they think is too high. He will talk to TxDot, with the blessing of the Mayor and board, to start the process of looking into this matter.

Minutes of previous meeting held on 11-13-14 were read by each board member present. A motion was made by Joe Boudreaux to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Carol DeBose. All approved, motion carried.

Joe Boudreaux motioned to approve GrantWorks, Inc. to prepare and submit the 2015/2016 Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Application for the Town of Anderson for wastewater treatment plant improvements. Tom Johanson seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.

Erna Freeman made a motion to approve Resolution # 57-14 authorizing submission of the 2015-2016 Texas Community Development Program Application. Tom Johanson seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.

Joe Boudreaux made a motion to adopt the Citizen Participation Plan for the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program. Karen McDuffie seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.

Attorney Mr. Michael Casaretto read publically the Salvage Yard Ordinance # 105-14 as the first reading. Erna Freeman made a motion to approve/accept the Salvage Yard Ordinance # 105-14 as the first reading for this ordinance. Joe Boudreaux seconded the motion. There was some discussion on enforcement of said ordinance and who can designate the board of Inspectors. All approved, motion carried.

Joe Boudreaux made a motion to install a street light at the intersection of Woodward and College Streets. Erna Freeman seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.

Mayor Gail Sowell asked the board if they would consider hosting a Morning Brew for CETA in January. She stated we just have to furnish the place. Joe Boudreaux made a motion to host the morning brew for CETA in January. Carol DeBose seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried. Mayor Gail will call to confirm that with CETA.

Erna Freeman made a motion to attend the Chamber of Commerce banquet in February as a group with either the large table or smaller depending on the number of people who are able to attend on the day of the banquet. Carol DeBose seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.

Tom Johanson made a motion to pay bills currently due as presented. Joe Boudreaux seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.

Open session adjourned: 8:00 P.M.
No closed session.
Next scheduled meeting: January 8, 2014 @ 7:00 P.M.

Attest: ______________________________ ______________________________
Mayor Secretary

Posted in


December 16

December 24


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m