2019 05 08 Minutes

Meeting Minutes
The Town of Anderson, Texas

Members Present: Gail Sowell, Mayor, Karen McDuffie, Mayor Pro-Tem, Aldermen Carol DeBose, Harold Minor, Daryl Alford, Carnell Carrell
Anderson Attorney: Michael R. Casaretto
Visitors Present: Cindy Bell, Tom Johanson, Erna Freeman, Geoff Horn, Julie Horn, William Borski, Joe Boudreaux, Susan Boudreaux, Blondie Carrell, Charles Borski, Jenna Blinn, William Smith, Bessie White, Johnny McNally, Jenna Blinn, Lance Lavergne, Nancy Perry, Harry Walker, Clint Capps, Quintera Calhoun, Charlie Diggs, Carissa First, Rocky Weller, Jerald Lee

Establish a quorum; Called to order at 7:00 pm.

Pledges recited.

Lovett Boggess gave invocation.

Remarks of visitors:
Cindy Bell updated council on upcoming Navasota Grimes County Chamber of Commerce events.
Joe Boudreaux commended Mayor Sowell and Carol DeBose on their work on council.
Erna Freemen commented on Mayor Sowell and Carol DeBose’s service to the town.

Agenda Items:
Mayor Sowell asked council to review the bills. Daryl Alford made a motion to pay the bills. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All others approved: the motion carried.

Mayor Sowell asked council to canvas the votes from the election May 4, 2019. The votes were as follows:
For Mayor:
Linda Williams- 9
Mandi Alford- 12
Karen McDuffie- 33
For Alderman:
Kason Menges- 21
Harold Minor- 28
Bessie White- 23
Prop A:
For- 33
Against: 19

Daryl Alford made a motion to accept the canvasing of votes. Carl DeBose seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.
Mayor Sowell asked Judge Joe Fauth III to give the Oath of Office to each newly elected official.

Gail Sowell presented the past mayor plaques with all who served under them. FD Calhoun and Lovett Boggess served under all three mayors.

Mayor McDuffie presented Gail Sowell and Carol DeBose with gifts of appreciation for their service.

Mayor McDuffie asked council to postpone the items of 7 & 8 regarding filling the seat of Alderman McDuffie. Harold Minor made a motion to postpone. Daryl Alford seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Mayor McDuffie asked council to re-organize and select a member as Mayor Pro-Tem and Secretary. Carnell Carrell made a motion to elect Daryl Alford as Mayor Pro-Tem. Daryl Alford seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Harold Minor made a motion to elect Harold Minor as Secretary. Daryl Alford seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Mayor McDuffie asked council to consider two other signers on the bank accounts and Certificates of Deposit that the Town of Anderson has at First National Bank of Anderson. Daryl Alford made a motion for Harold Minor and Daryl Alford to be added as signers. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Mayor McDuffie asked council to consider the permit for Brett Mize’s buildings. Carnell Carrell made a motion to approve. Daryl Alford seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Nancy Perry presented council with a packet for her proposed re-plotting and notarized signatures of adjacent landowners. Daryl Alford made a motion to postpone until all the signatures can be collected before considering. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Daryl Alford made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Harold Minor seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:47 pm.

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P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m