2019 06 13 Minutes

Meeting Minutes
The Town of Anderson, Texas

Members Present: Karen McDuffie, Mayor; Daryl Alford, Mayor Pro-Tem; Alderman Harold Minor; Alderman Carnell Carrell; Alderman Bessie White
Anderson Attorney: Michael R. Casaretto
Visitors Present: Cindy Bell, Erna Freeman, Geoff Horn, Julie Horn, Will Borski, Joe Boudreaux, Charles Borski, Jenna Blinn, Quintera Calhoun, Tamara Menges, Brett Mize, Kason Menges, Norma Mason, Dekaviya Calhoun
Establish a quorum; Called to order at 7:00 pm.
Pledges recited.
Harold Minor gave invocation.

Remarks of visitors:
Cindy Bell: The procurement director of A&M will be present at an event for any businesses that are interested in the process by which they can become affiliated with the university. (Stated on behalf of Johnny from the Chamber)
Joe Boudreaux: Asked about the status of agenda item number 14 and whether there would be a resolution coming in the near future. The answer was affirmative.
Erna Freeman: Asked for unkempt lots to be cleared before the Courthouse Birthday Party. She noted the recent fire and requested safety issues be addressed. Also stated that she is of the opinion that the street closure requested by Nancy Perry should not take place.
Brett Mize: Addressed local criticisms.
Question on moving trailer into the town. Sparked discussion on adding permits to the agenda to be resolved later.
Another question on putting complaints in writing where lots around town are concerned.

Agenda Items:

Mayor McDuffie asked the council to review and approve minutes. Daryl Alford motioned to approve the minutes. Harold Minor seconded the motion. All members approved: the motion carried.

Mayor McDuffie asked the council to review and approve the payment of invoices. Carnell Carrell motioned to approve the payments. Harold Minor seconded the motion. All others approved: the motion carried.

Mayor McDuffie asked the council to discuss and approve filling the vacancy of the Alderman seat left open and proposed to approve Kason Menges. Daryll Alford motioned to approve. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All others approved: the motion carried. Kason Menges was sworn into council. Michael Casaretto stated that Menges could not vote at the present meeting but he will be able to next month.

Mayor McDuffie asked the council and visitors present to discuss the Courthouse Birthday Party. The event will take place between 9 am and 1 pm with hotdogs served after 10:30 am.

Mayor McDuffie asked the council and visitors present to discuss the current RV’s located in town limits. There are three known of in town. Two were approved for six months in town from April 16th before they had to be removed because they are not connected to any city facilities. Borski asked that it be stated on the record that he was not connected to city facilities until he was allegedly accused by a city council member that he was and that he was working to remove the RV.
More RV’s are in town that will be confronted at a later date.

Mayor McDuffie asked the council and visitors present to discuss creating a burning ordinance. Harold Minor motioned to continue the discussion of the ordinance at the next meeting. Daryl Alford seconded the motion. The motion carries three to one with Carnell Carrell opposed.

Mayor McDuffie asked the council to discuss and approve allowing Brett Mize’s private streets to be named, with the road going into the property named Cotton Gin Lane and the road in front of the homes being Jasper Lane. Daryl Alford motioned to approve it. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All other approved: the motion carried.

Mayor McDuffie asked the council to discuss and approve attending City Hall Essentials training seminar July 11-12th in Fredericksburg, TX and the new aldermen attending the Newly Elected Officials training July 18-19th in Round Rock, TX. Carnell Carrell motioned to approve with the exception that Kason Menges’ attendance in August will be decided next month. Daryl Alford seconded. All others approved: the motion carried.

Mayor McDuffie asked the council to discuss and approve Resolution #78-19 regarding Canvassing Election Returns. Daryl Alford motioned to approve it. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All others approved: the motion carried.

Mayor McDuffie asked the council to discuss and approve a proposal from Nancy Perry to close Martin Street between Buffington and Hwy. 90 as well as a piece of Apolonia on the Lavergne property. After discussion, Carnell Carrell motioned not to close the roads. Daryl Alford seconded the motion. All others approved: the motion carried.

Mayor McDuffie read the Anderson Water Company’s quarterly report.

Mayor McDuffie asked the council to discuss and approve an increase in monthly billing from $500 to $700 for Anderson Water Company. The proposal died due to no action.

Mayor McDuff asked the council to discuss and approve sewer deposit issues with Anderson Water Company. After discussion, it was decided that permits would be added to next month’s agenda.

Daryl Alford motioned to adjourn the meeting. Bessie White seconded the motion. All others approved; the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:29.

_____________________ ____________________________
Mayor ~ Karen McDuffie Daryl Alford ~ Mayor Pro-Tem

Posted in


March 02

March 03


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m