Budget Hearing Minutes
For Fiscal Year 2014-2015
The Town of Anderson, Texas
September 18. 2014
Members Present: Gail Sowell, Mayor; Erna Freeman, Mayor Pro-Tem; Alderwomen: Carol DeBose, Karen McDuffie; Aldermen: Joe Boudreaux, Tom Johanson
Anderson Attorney Present: Michael R. Casaretto
Visitors Present: Chester Finke, Cindy Bell, Kermit Bostelman, Karrie Cooper, Clint Capps, Pam Finke
There was a quorum thus a public budget hearing was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Gail Sowell.
Mary Bostelman presented the amended budgets for F.Y 2013-2014 stating the ending balances as follows:
General account: $428,371.44; Sewer account: $123,059.41; I&S: $59,349.47. She noted that expenses were up in the sewer account due to the repairs a lift stations and on the sewer lines.
Mary Bostelman presented the proposed budgets for F.Y. 2014-2015. She noted that the sewer budget took into account some more possible repairs on the aging sewer lines.
Alderman Joe Bourdeaux explained the need for the dollar amount in the budget under contracted services for street repair as Clint Capps questioned about that line item under streets in the general budget.
No other questions or concerns needed addressed.
Budget hearing adjourned: 7:15 P.M.
______________________________________ ___________________________________-
Mayor Secretary
Tax Rate Hearing Minutes
For Fiscal Year 2014-2015
The Town of Anderson, Texas
September 18. 2014
Members Present: Gail Sowell, Mayor; Erna Freeman, Mayor Pro-Tem; Alderwomen: Carol DeBose, Karen McDuffie; Aldermen: Joe Boudreaux, Tom Johanson
Anderson Attorney Present: Michael R. Casaretto
Visitors Present: Chester Finke, Cindy Bell, Kermit Bostelman, Clint Capps, Pam Finke. Karrie Cooper
There was a quorum thus a public open tax rate hearing was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Gail Sowell. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Allegiance were recited. Invocation was by Tom Johanson.
Mayor Gail reported that the overall tax rate is basically staying the same. The total tax rate per $100 valuation for all purposes is proposed at 0.2004. She didn’t see a need to raise taxes at this time.
Attendee Cindy Bell commented that this is a good indicator that the property values in Anderson are increasing and she complimented the board for all they have done to keep those values up.
No other questions or concerns were noted.
Tax Rate Hearing adjourned: 7:05 P.M.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Mayor Secretary
Meeting Minutes
The Town of Anderson, Texas
September 18. 2014
Members Present: Gail Sowell, Mayor; Erna Freeman, Mayor Pro-Tem; Alderwomen: Carol DeBose, Karen McDuffie ; Aldermen: Joe Boudreaux, Tom Johanson
Anderson Attorney Present: Michael R. Casaretto
Visitors Present: Chester Finke, Cindy Bell, Kermit Bostelman, Karrie Cooper, Clint Capps, Pam Finke.
There was a quorum thus a public open meeting was called to order at 7:16 P.M. by Mayor Gail Sowell. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Allegiance and invocation were recited at the opening of the Tax Rate Hearing at 7:00p.m.
Remarks of visitors: Cindy Bell updated us on the Chamber of Commerce news. No action was needed by board.
Minutes of previous meeting held on 8-14-14 were read by each board member present. A motion was made by Erna Freeman to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Joe Bourdeaux. All approved, motion carried.
Tom Johanson motioned to adopt the tax rate of 0.2004 per $100.00 valuation for all purposes as written in the budget by ordinance no. 102-14. Erna Freeman seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Erna Freeman made a motion to accept the amendments to the general, I&S, and Sewer budgets for the fiscal year 2013-2014. Tom Johanson seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Tom Johanson motioned to adopt the fiscal year 2014-2015 budget, including all receipts and disbursements for the Town of Anderson, by ordinance number 103-14. Joe Bourdeaux seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Commissioner Pam Finke talked with the council about the 391 commission, asked for representation from the town of Anderson council. She also informed the board of some issues surrounding Grimes County. Erna Freeman motioned that Tom Johanson will continue to serve on the 391 commission if the 391 commission changes their meeting night so it doesn’t fall on the second Thursday of every month; and if Tom cannot attend a meeting that it be allowed that a proxy from the board of alderman be able to attend in his place. Carol Debose seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried. Pam Finke thanked Tom and the board.
The annexation request by Karrie Cooper was discussed at length with question from the town’s lawyer, Michael Casaretto. He questioned Karrie on her intent for annexation and if she had architectural plans for the RV Park, warehouse and/ or laundry mat. She was informed that her first request was lacking a meets and bounds survey and it was requested that she send or email Mr. Casaretto a new request including that information as well as a written plan of her intent for the property being annexed. This annexation request was tabled until Mr. Casaretto has time to review the information and be able to speak with the County Engineer Mr. Steve Duncan.
Mayor Gail Sowell read a proclamation declaring October as being Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Joe Boudreaux motioned to approve and accept the proclamation of October being Domestic Violence Awareness Month for the Town of Anderson. Karen McDuffie seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Erna Freeman motioned to accept the unanimous votes casted by the board of aldermen for the TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool Board of Trustees Election as follows: Place1: Robert T Herrera, Place 2: John W. Fullen, Place 3: George Shackelford, Place 4: Rona Stringfellow. Joe Bourdeaux seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Erna Freeman motioned that the town’s Trunk or Treat event be scheduled annually on the last Saturday of October from 6:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. on Main Street in Anderson, Texas. Tom Johanson seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Joe Boudreaux made a motion that the town would support “Christmas With Us” providing all approvals necessary are granted to allow this event to happen around the court house on Main Street in Anderson, Texas. Tom Johanson seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Joe Boudreaux motioned to pay bills currently due as presented. Carol DeBose seconded the motion. All approved, motion carried.
Open session closed: 8:07 P.M.
The board entered into closed session at 8:10 P.M.
Closed session adjourned: 9:20 P.M.
No Action required on items discussed in closed session.
Next scheduled meeting: October 9, 2014 @ 7:00 P.M.
Regular session was adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
Attest: ______________________________ ______________________________
Mayor Secretary