Town of Anderson
P O Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830
Karen McDuffie, Mayor
Daryl Alford, Mayor Pro-Tem
Carnell Carrell, Alderman
Kason Menges, Alderman
Harold Minor, Alderman
Bessie White, Alderwoman
Pam Johnson, Town Clerk
THE STATE OF TEXAS – TOWN OF ANDERSON – BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 10th day of September, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Public Hearing on Tax Rate for 2020, followed by Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.
Tax Rate Hearing
1. Call to order at 7:05 p.m.
Members Present: Karen McDuffie, Daryl Alford, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
Members Absent: Harold Minor
Quorum established
Visitors present in person or via Zoom: Cindy Bell, Joyce Bookman, Marc Benton
2. A public hearing was held on the Tax Rate for 2020. Tax figures were presented and discussed.
3. Hearing adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Regular Meeting
4. Call Regular Meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Members Present: Karen McDuffie, Daryl Alford, Bessie White, Carnell Carrell, Kason Menges
Members Absent: Harold Minor
Quorum established
Invocation – Kason Menges
Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag
Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
Visitors present in person or via Zoom: Cindy Bell, Joyce Bookman, Marc Benton
5. Public Comments: None
6. Consider and take action to approve the minutes of meeting on 8/13/20
Motioned to approve minutes by Daryl Alford, seconded by Carnell Carrell
Daryl Alford – yes Harold Minor – absent Bessie White – yes
Carnell Carrell – yes Kason Menges – yes
7. Consider and take action to approve the list of claims and bills
Motioned to approve payment by Daryl Alford, seconded by Kason Menges
Daryl Alford – yes Harold Minor – absent Bessie White – yes
Carnell Carrell – yes Kason Menges – yes
8. Miriah Cunneen-Caskey to address council on Hillside Meadows Subdivision.
No show
Harold Minor arrived at 7:20 p.m.
9. Consider and take action to cast votes for the TMLIRP Board of Trustees Election
Place 1: Robert T Herrera
Place 2: Chris Armacost
Place 3: Roy E Maynor
Place 4: Kimberly Meismer
10. Updates on CDBG-DR & CDBG-MIT grants. None to report
11. Consider and take action to approve the Town participation in the Trunk or Treat event.
Motioned to postpone by Kason Menges, seconded by Daryl Alford
Daryl Alford – yes Harold Minor – yes Bessie White – yes
Carnell Carrell – yes Kason Menges – yes
12. Permit report. Remodel & electrical (Mark Thompson for John)
13. Update from Harry Walker on work in Town. Karen read update from Harry on issues around Town
14. Updates from around town. Woodward @ Main needs stop sign, speed bump, or speed limit sign
15. Enter closed session, if needed, to receive legal advice on matters related to issues in the town and personnel matters (Texas Government Code #551.071, #551.072, and #551.074) N/A
16. Return to open meeting; take action on items discussed in closed session (Section #551.102) N/A
17. Adjourn
Motion to adjourn by Daryl Alford, seconded by Carnell Carrell
Daryl Alford – yes Harold Minor – yes Bessie White – yes
Carnell Carrell – yes Kason Menges – yes