2007 09 20 Minutes





SEPTEMBER 20, 2007

State of Texas

County of Grimes

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson conducted a public hearing on the proposed budget for FY 2007-2008. In attendance were Aldermen David Heyman, Thomas Johanson, Ernest Henderson, Alderwoman Erna Freeman and Attorney Lovett Boggess. Absent was Alderman Bill Robinett. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Visitors included Cindy Bell, Maurine Wehmeyer, Fred Brent, Darrell Dietrich & Michael Kimich representing the Anderson Volunteer Fire Dept. and Chester Finke. Ms. Stanley reviewed the proposed budget. There were no comments or questions from the public. The meeting was closed at 7:09 p.m.

The Board of Aldermen then conducted a public hearing on the proposed tax rate for FY 2007-2008. The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. The Board supported continuance of the established tax rate at $.2055 per $100 valuation. There were no comments or questions from the public; the meeting was concluded at 7:11 p.m.

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Anderson then met in regular open session in the American Legion Building in Anderson, Texas, at 7:11 p.m., Thursday, September 28, 2007. The Mayor, Aldermen David Heyman, Tom Johanson, Ernest Henderson, Alderwoman Erna Freeman, and Attorney Lovett Boggess were present. Absent was Alderman Bill Robinett.

Darrell Dietrich and Michael Kimich representing the Anderson Volunteer Fire Dept. presented information relative to the completion of the new fire station and offered office space to the City if so desired.

Superintendent Fred Brent of the Anderson-Shiro Consol. Ind. School Dist. met with the Board of Aldermen to discuss the schools’ plans for a bond issue to build a new school to house grades 6-12 on the land provided to them by Mrs. Best. The bond issue will also provide funds to refurbish the present high school that would then house grades K-5. His main purpose in presenting the information was to inform the city that the school district wants to continue to participate in the use of the sewer system that serves the town of Anderson and would incur all costs to do so.

Council members reviewed the minutes from the August 9th, 2007 council meeting. Alderman Tom Johanson moved to approve the minutes. Alderman Ernest Henderson seconded the motion that carried unanimously.

Cindy Bell, representing Historic Anderson, presented a brochure describing “Holiday in Historic Anderson” set for Saturday, November 24, 2007. The purpose of her visit was to seek approval of their plan to hold a contest to have citizens decorate their homes in the holiday style. Mayor and Council Members approved the city’s participation in judging the homes to determine the “best decorated” homes.

Ms. Stanley reviewed the amendments to the budget for the current fiscal year (2006-2007). In discussing the budget and the C.D.’s purchased by the Town for the 2006-2007 year, the Board determined to continue this course for the 2007-2008 fiscal year.

A determination to purchase a $150,000 C.D. from the General Fund and a $35,000 C.D. from the Interest & Sinking Fund was made. Alderman Tom Johanson made a motion to accept the amended budget and C.D. purchases as presented. Alderman Ernest Henderson seconded the motion; all members present voted in favor of the motion.

Mayor Sowell presented Ordinance No. 59-07 that adopts all receipts and disbursements outlined in the budget prepared for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Alderwoman Erna Freeman made a motion to accept the ordinance as presented. Alderman Ernest Henderson seconded the motion that was adopted unanimously.

Mayor Sowell presented Ordinance No. 58-07 that adopts a tax rate for the Town of Anderson for FY 2007-2008. The rate will remain the same as was used in FY 2006-2007. Alderwoman Erna Freeman moved that property taxes be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of $0.20550. Alderman Ernest Henderson seconded the motion. The motion was accepted unanimously.

Alderman Tom Johanson made a motion to pay all invoices currently due and payable.

Alderman Ernest Henderson seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion.

Alderman Tom Johanson made a report to the Council regarding various projects he has been involved in within the town. Mayor Sowell gave a personal thanks to Alderman Johanson for his work in handling these much needed tasks, in addition to the service he provided relative to the maintenance of the ponds area.

Mayor Sowell spoke to the Council members about various citizens with requests for roadwork in their particular areas; updating insurance needs with TML, moving the October meeting from the 11th to the 18th; and informed and invited the council to join in on a county-wide meeting of the school, cities and county.

The official meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Posted in


September 16

October 07


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102