BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 19th day of September 2024, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.
- Call Council meeting to order and establish quorum at 7pm. Harold Minor, Bessie White, Tanner Krause, Mayor Marc Benton, Ashley Ver Schuur, William Borski and Rebecca Ray Present. Kason Menges arrives at 746pm. Visitors present Michelle Bobo, Carnell Carrell, Daniel Arguijo, Erna Freeman, Brian Colbert, Heather Delso, Sophia Devine, Miles Devin and Deward Heles.
- Invocation given by Harold Minor.
- Pledges to the flags.
“Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
- Public Hearing had to be rescheduled last week and legally will reschedule for the 26th. Items 10a and 10b will be voted on next week. Thank you for patience.
- The Council will hear any public comments concerning the proposed tax rate for FY 2025.
- The Council will hear any public comments concerning the proposed budget for FY 2025.
- Public Comment. There is no public comment for budget or tax rate. Michelle Bobo to make public comment at 706pm. Agenda item 10c later addresses who the Town and Anderson will award for Administration services. No idea what will be recommended. Grantworks and The Town of Anderson has a long history. Grantworks has a history of trust. Grant information is beneficial and helps to keep in compliance which is important to consider. There is trust and loyalty that GrantWorks has been there for the Town of Anderson. There are plans for Anderson to grow. Before GrantWorks, Michelle Bobo worked for TDA in the cd department and is familiar with the CDBG program. Michelle Bobo has lived local since 2010 and 3rd generation Grimes County family. Formed task force for broadband for the county. Not only is GrantWorks dedicated to Grimes County, but also Michelle Bobo is committed. Very important to insure to get grants going forward. Can ask any questions. Welcome to call anytime. Get with town clerk for information. Based on proposals, fiduciary to the citizens of Anderson and how to spend money, it is a factor to consider. In proposal, any fees can be negotiated only after an award is made. Based on that relationship, thank you to the town of Anderson.
- Mayor’s Update
- Community Survey: October 5th the Historical Commissions fall festival at the park, the Town of Anderson will be there with public management who created a survey to hand out to the community. There will be interactive maps for the community to see. The Survey will be out soon. There have been multiple drafts. It is designed for residents, non-residents and business owners. Open for all grimes co residents.
- Upcoming Anderson Events
- GCHC Fall Festival – Historic Park, October 5th
- National Night Out did not happen. Wasn’t sure what to do for this event but will put something together for the future. Decided for next year on main street
- Trunk or Treat Oct 26th Marc and Sherry will be there
- Veteran’s Day Concert Nov 9th looking for an act to play at the event
- Brunch Fest Nov 10th has been rescheduled
- Consent Agenda:
All consent items are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion and vote.
- Approval of the August 8, 2024, Town Council Meeting Minutes Motion to approve by Tanner Krause, seconded by Bessie White, all in favor.
- Approval of the August 20, 2024, Budget Workshop Minutes Motion to approve by Tanner Krause, seconded by Bessie White, all in favor.
- Approval of the September 3, 2024, Budget Workshop Minutes Motion to approve by Tanner Krause, seconded by Bessie White, all in favor.
- Approval of the list of claims and bills
- Approval of line-item transfers as follows: all from election expenses Motion to approve by Tanner Krause, seconded by Bessie White, all in favor.
- From Election Expenses (1-5-515) to General Office Supplies (1-5-260), $25.00.
- From Election Expenses (1-5-515) to GCAD – Tax Assess. & Collection (1-5-583), $47.00.
- From Election Expenses (1-5-515) to Travel/School/Dues (1-5-510), $30.00.
- From Election Expenses (1-5-515) to QuickBooks (1-5-525), $400.00.
- Presentations to the Council
- Anderson Baptist – Worship Night on Main St. presentation given by Daniel Arguijo. Event proposal passed out. Want to be a city event for the community. Worship night on main street for everyone to access. October 12th is the proposed date. Worship time share together and thank God for what he has done for our community. Asking council for permission to continue with panning main street courthouse to senior center. Using a flatbed trailer as stage and lighting. Will get permission from courthouse and other businesses. 25 Dollar fee for electric use from courthouse. Request 4-9 from Marc. Advised will make it work for that time frame. No vendors at the event. Restrooms at that location will be provided. Town of Anderson has trash cans. Responsibility to clean after the event is up to the church. Contact businesses for more power if needed.
- FY2022 and FY2023 audit results by Seidel Schroeder. Presentation given by Heather Delso. Ready for 2024. Auditors report in the first section given. Clean and modified opinion. Bottom section management is responsible for financial statements. Review of packet given to council. Beginning with 2022 FY. Two level presentation. General and street maintenance fund and sewer funds. Capitalize and depreciation. Broken down in sections. Separate fund for street maintenance. Investments possible with that money. Should be in street maintenance fund. Total revenue discussed. Biggest change sales and use taxes up by $19000. Harvey project end in 2022. Street maintenance total at $33000. Net effect not a huge change. Budgeting all in general fund. Any street should be in street maintenance fund. Total assets discussed on the sewer FY22.Need to collect from Anderson Water Company. That is the bad debt expense. Better in FY23 than FY22. Significant accounting policy. No impact to the town. New standard on subscription bases technology. New AC capitalized. Sewer improvements. Standard communication letter provided. Significant difficulties. Clean communication. Depreciation on capital assets. Allowance for doubtful accounts. Adjustments booked and recorded with town clerk. Procedures discussed but no opinions. Small office doing everything having controls off site dual signatures, approve disbursements board. Bank statements with images reviewed monthly. Utility billings. AWC not remitting to Town of Anderson. Get matter resolved. Reach out if have questions.
- Reports:
Informational reports only, no action to be taken.
- Permit report vendors electric commercial sewer manufacture home mobile on Fanthorp. Molina at drugs store and other at mobile home. Received a TABC from pizza place full wine and beer mixed beverage holding until find out with them what they will be wanting to do. Ordinance to state if serving alcohol, food sales need to be at 51%. No need for a bar downtown. Must be approved by Town of Anderson then county. Passed johns without any questions. Town of Anderson has not produced anything regarding alcohol in the Ordinances. permit request is not the current TABC request.
- Sewer Report October 1st sewer manholes. Dissolved o2 levels, keep eye on to get back up.
- Grants Report
- 2017 Harvey Grant no update
- ARPA Grant no update
- 2023-2024 CDBG no update
- 2025-2026 CDBG discussion next Meeting
- CDBG MIT-MOD still don’t know full and will press to get information
- Harvey Reallocation Funds waiting on GLO for clarification
- RCP underway. Have done street survey drainage survey and working on maps issue with town limits. State and county do not match. Got questions regarding certain properties. Should be an ordinance for annexation on Fanthorp. Will figure it out. Official logo as well. Never figured out colored codes. Official style guides.
- Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) no
- Business:
Discuss, consider, and possibly take action regarding:
- Consider and take action to approve Tax Rate Adoption Ordinance 167-24. Be tabled next to September 26th
- Consider and take action to approve Budget Adoption Ordinance 168-24. Tabled until September 26th
- Consider and take action to select an administration/project delivery service provider(s) to complete project application, management and implementation for the 2025-2026 Texas Community Development Block Grant Fund Program of the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). by Resolution #116-24. Take 5 minutes to grade. At 8pm recess. At 810 reconvene. Remember 6 filled out surveys 3 GrantWorks and 3 public management. Tally each scoring. Divide by 3 to get total for Public Management 96.28 and total for GrantWorks 93.96. with that proposed resolution add public management. Motion to pass 116-24 for public management. Resolution read out loud by mayor Marc Benton. Allow to go into negotiation with public management it is not signing a contract. Motion by Kason Menges to pass Resolution 116-24 adding public management into section 1. Second by Will Borski all in favor.
- Consider and take action to approve estimate of $2,000 from Grimes County Road and Bridge to run 60ft of pipe under College St at Johnson to relieve drainage damage on private property. Corner of Johnson and college where Pavlock property is, water downhill from north and hits halfway to low point then cuts across street into minor property. Has cut a ditch there. Water down Johnson Street being redirected to middle section on college. Spoke with John Stieber. Spent 30 min looking at different things. Quoted $2000 not only for pipe but fix road after digging up. Will confirm with Stieber. Probably won’t start until next budget. Request $2000 from 2025FY budget. Tanner Krause motion to approve road maintenance budget, second by Kason Menges, no discussion, all in favor.
- Around Town Tree trimming and Rose bushes previously discussed will need to be addressed. Entrance into the plant is bad. Church put up five or 6 church parking signs. We own that road and would like to negotiate with them. Move from one side to the other. Change from 7-7 to 7-4. Will reach out to the church. Poles were already there. Can’t make decisions but put agenda item. They do deserve at least 2 parking for the business and all other business. Offer
- Discussion of agenda items for the next scheduled meeting Tax Rate and Budget Special Meeting. No tax roll until November.
- Adjourn 825pm Tanner Krause motion, Will Borski second, all in favor
Signed: | Attest: | |
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Tanner Krause, Mayor Pro Tem | Rebecca Ray, Town Clerk |