BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 10th day of October 2024, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.
- Call meeting to order and establish quorum at 7pm. Harold Minor, Bessie White, Ashley Ver Schuur, Tanner Krause, William Borski and Rebecca Ray are present. Marc Benton is not present. Kason Menges arrived at 7:36pm. Visitors present Carnell Carrell, Daryl Alford and Brian Colbert
- Invocation given by William Borski
- Pledges to the flags.
“Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
- Public Comment:
- Daryl Alford spoke regarding Trunk or Treat. Due to early voting until 7pm on October 26th, he has spoken with Rachel Walker at the Elections office about traffic control. Daryl and the Fire Department will be set up at 149 and Main to direct traffic. This will allow access to the north doors at the courthouse for voters. Requesting to make a post on Town website.
- Mayor’s Update Anderson:
- Anderson Shiro homecoming is Friday October 25th and the pep rally on Main Street will be October 23rd.
- Consent Agenda:
All consent items are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion and vote. Motion to approve by Harold Minor, second by Bessie White, all in favor
- Approval of the September 19, 2024 Town Council Meeting Minutes and September 26, 2024 Town Council Meeting Minutes.
- Approval of the list of claims and bills
- Approval of budget line item moves
- From (General) Election Expenses (1-5-515) to Google Suite (1-5-521) $26.03
- From (General) Election Expenses (1-5-515) to Contracted Services Cleaning (1-7-309) $243.75
- From (General) Election Expenses (1-5-515) to Office Supplies (1-5-260) $169.83
- From (General)Election Expenses (1-5-515) to Street Lights Electricity (1-6-450) $34.33
- From (Sewer) Repairs (2-7-591) to 1179 FM 149 Lift Station (2-7-464) $1.60
- From (Sewer) Repairs (2-7-591) to Laboratory Testing (2-7-456) $458.00
- From (Sewer) Repairs (2-7-591) to Operator (2-7-402) $720.00
- From (Sewer) Repairs (2-7-591) to Auditing (2-7-403) $3593.25
- Reports:
Informational reports only, no action to be taken.
- Permit report: 2 permits this month. 1 Utilization of Power at the Historic Grimes County Courthouse and 1 Residential Construction permit on Jasper Lane
- Sewer Report: Brian provided report to Rebecca Ray. Dissolved Oxygen problems again and possibly due to weather. Requested may need to look into adding blowers to the effluent chamber. CSA Technical quoted $11942 which needs to be approved. The pump needs to be replaced.
- Grants Report
- 2017 Harvey Grant no update
- ARPA Grant no update
- 2023-2024 CDBG no update
- 2025-2026 CDBG awarded last month with Public Management
- CDBG MIT-MOD no update
- Harvey Reallocation Funds no update
- RCP survey was released. Received advanced look at submissions and will publish full results when the survey is closed.
- Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) reached out to James Robbins
- Business:
Discuss, consider, and possibly take action regarding:
- Consider and take action to approve execution of engagement letter with Seidel Schroeder to conduct our FY2024 audit and authorize the mayor as signatory. Motion to approve and authorize Mayor as signatory by Harold Minor, second by William Borski, all in favor.
- Discuss and review ordinance to implement a telecommunications tax for the Town of Anderson. Ashley provides information regarding this matter. Email before next meeting to impose sales tax on telecommunications that the city can receive.
- Consider and take action to approve use of Utilization of Power at Historic Grimes County Courthouse Permit. Permit charges a $30 fee which includes a $5 service fee. Motion to approve Utilization of power at Historic Grimes County courthouse permit by Bessie White, second by to adopt, Harold Minor, all in favor.
- Discuss options for reserved and/or signed parking on municipal streets. Church has parking spots from poles at the old annex blocking signs to courthouse. Discussion to allow to keep, change hours, allow at all, or allow for everyone on main Street and Buffington which has been previously discussed. Changed back to two ways but stripes have not been changed. Remove stripes or change directions. Paint black and come back and redo paint was suggested. Time limit could fix a lot of issues. Move reserves to other side. Stated that the signs up now just states 7-7.
- Discuss and identify needs for the 2025-2026 CDBG Grant. Around 750000 water and sewer use for grant. Will possibly take 2 to 3 years out to get. The Wastewater plants need a lot of work. Brian advised there is a lot to be addressed at the plants. No suggestions at the time from the council. Rebecca Advised will get in touch with everyone individually to get a list of improvements, repairs and community needs.
- Discuss council participation in upcoming events:
- Trunk or Treat (Oct 26) Daryl spoke on Trunk or Treat. Marc and Sherri Benton will have a booth at trunk or treat if anyone would like to come to their spot or get a booth separately. Large bags of candy will be bought. Suggested 300 for candy.
- Voices for Our Vets Main St Concert (Nov 9) Bill Mock will be the band for the event and Hannah Abraham will sing with him. Harold Minor still has access to use flatbed trailer 6-9 concert. Get information for set up to give to Harold Minor.
- Executive Session
- Convened into Executive Session at 7:34 pm pursuant to Sec. 551.072, Texas Government Code, to deliberate the sell, purchase, exchange, or value of certain real property located within the limits of the Town of Anderson.
- Possible Action from Executive Session
- Reconvened into public session at 7:54 pm. No action taken.
- Around Town:
- John Miller sent in a complaint stating that behind his store there is overgrowth with the lawn and abandoned lawn equipment. Due to this being a civil matter between residents, this needs to be handled between themselves and not the Town.
- Street signs need to be replaced. This was put in FY25 budget. Cedar Street, and East Buffington signs are unreadable. Possibly replace with historical signs.
- Fanthorp pothole is deep.
- Historical tax workshop rehabbing historical buildings will be at the P.A. Smith hotel in Navasota .
- Suggestions to do something about trees around town. Trees by the plants are in the roadway.
- Alternate stop signs on the roads in Town.
- Discussion of agenda items for the next scheduled meeting
- Street signs and trees, stop signs street signs.
- Minute parking.
- Approve telecommunications tax.
- Wise suggested to be cutting more of main street and across where hotel and feed store were at. Continue with
- 51 percentage ordinance.
- Adjourn 8:08 pm Motion by William Borski, Second by Bessie White, all in favor
Signed: | Attest: | |
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Marc Benton, Mayor | Rebecca Ray, Town Clerk |