2024 11 14 Minutes

BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 14th day of November 2024, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Regular Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.


  1. Call the meeting to order and establish a quorum. At 7pm. Harold Minor, Bessie White, Tanner Krause, Marc Benton, Rebecca Ray, and William Borski Present. Kason Menges arrived at 7:35pm. Visitors present Michael Kimich.
  2. Invocation given by Harold Minor
  3. Pledges to the flags.

“Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”

  1. Public Comment: No public comment
  2. Mayor’s Update
    1. Fanthorp Inn grand reopening tomorrow November 15th at noon and will reopen after speeches.
    2. Christmas events: Courthouse lighting, Town Christmas Tree lighting, Holiday Fest, Parade, Twilight Firelight. The Historic Commission will be hosting the Courthouse lighting on the 23rd before Thanksgiving. December 8th is the tree lighting along with the parade. Holiday Fest will be on December 7th.
    3. 2025 ToA Event Coordination and Scheduling Meeting – Jan 8th at the Town Hall Wednesday before the regular scheduled meeting. The purpose is to host a meeting with anyone interested in hosting events on main street for the year 2025. The meeting will discuss processes and permits and make this a once-a-year process.
    4. Bathroom remodel begins December 2nd and will be estimated finished by dec 12th.
  3. Consent Agenda:

All consent items are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion and vote. motion by to approve William Borski, second by Tanner Krause, all in favor.

  1. Approval of the October 10, 2024, Town Council Meeting Minutes
  2. Approval of the list of claims and bills
  3. Approval of budget line item moves.
    1. $1392.34 from 1-5-526 Town Website to 1-5-544 General Liability and Property Damage
  4. Approval of two budget line-item creation
    1. Utilization of Power at Historic Grimes County Courthouse Permit fees
      1. Income set at $180.
      2. Expense set at $250.
    2. Reports:

Informational reports only, no action to be taken.

  1. Permit report: no permits.
  2. Sewer Report: no update but did received notice from TCEQ that the Towns permit expires next July2025 and the application for renewal needs to be filed 6 months before that date. Bleyl Engineering will file and submit the permit application.
  3. Grants Report
    1. 2017 Harvey Grant: no update
    2. ARPA Grant: information will be discussed later in the business section.
  • 2023-2024 CDBG: No update
  1. 2025-2026 CDBG: No update
  2. CDBG MIT-MOD: No update
  3. Harvey Reallocation Funds: No update
  • RCP: date to host first community event will be scheduled.
  1. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT): last spoke with TxDOT and they are working toward main street
  1. Business:

Discuss, consider, and possibly take action regarding:

  1. Consider and take action to approve Ordinance No. 169-24 Approving 2024 Town of Anderson Tax Roll.
    1. Received from appraisal district read aloud by Mayor Marc Benton.
    2. Motion to approve by Tanner Krause, second Bessie White, all in favor.
  2. Consider and take action to approve Ordinance No. 170-24 Telecommunications Tax.
    1. Motion to approve by Tanner Krause, second by Will Borski, all in favor.
  3. Consider and take action to approve Resolution 116-24 Application for Submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the Community Development Fund.
    1. Motion to approve by Bessie White, second by Tanner Krause, all in favor.
  4. Discussion on obligating remaining ARPA Funds.
    1. Special meeting next week November 19th.
    2. Leftover funds need to be obligated by next month.
  • A jet blower was suggested but runs $75000 for equipment.
  1. Need to pass MOU and make a resolution.
  1. Discuss and identify street signs missing or required within the Town of Anderson and consider a plan to address.
    1. List by intersection. Consolidate and put on a map.
    2. Some signs are not legible. Most signs are many years old. It should take a month or two to put plan together.
  2. Discuss and identify potholes within the Town of Anderson and consider a plan to address.
    1. Same discussion to put together a list.
    2. Asphalt being laid on some streets.
  3. Discuss options and requests for reserved and/or signed commercial parking on municipal streets.
    1. Received text from Chere Davis requesting designated parking spot for business from the city. Easier to manage with ordinance. There is no reserved parking.
    2. Create ordinance for all businesses and will communicate with TML and ask for an example of parking ordinances.
  4. Consider and approve acceptance, budget, and plans/placement for a donation of a historic piano to the Town of Anderson.
    1. It is not refurbished but also needs tuned. If inside is bad, replace everything inside 15000, high end if invested. Or shine up the piano and put up as historic relic.
    2. Will not place in the hall, it will get damaged. Need suggestions for a Location to place.
  5. Executive Session will not be held at this time
    1. No executive session at this time
  6. Possible Action from Executive Session
    1. No executive session at this time
  7. Around Town:
    1. Tree cleanup is needed. The county cut down trees previously.
    2. The county discussed at their last meeting the old clerk’s building.
    3. Need locks at the plants due to missing locks. As well for Conex.
  8. Discussion of agenda items for the next scheduled meeting
    1. November 19th special meeting for ARPA obligation funds.
    2. Street signs.
    3. Christmas parade plans. Need a float this year as well as candy.
  9. Adjourn at 845pm Motion by Tanner Krause, second William Borski, all in favor


Signed:   Attest:






Marc Benton, Mayor   Rebecca Ray, Town Clerk


Posted in


February 17

February 17

March 02


P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m