2018 10 11 Minutes

Meeting Minutes
The Town of Anderson, Texas

Members Present: Gail Sowell Mayor, Karen McDuffie, Mayor Pro-Tem; Aldermen Carol DeBose, Harold Minor, Daryl Alford, Carnell Carrell
Anderson Attorney Present: Michael R. Casaretto
Visitors Present: Cindy Bell, Charles Borski, Tom Johansen, Will Smith, Freddie Henson, Will Borski, Anthony Olivieri, Erna Freeman, Joe Boudreaux, Chris Blinn, Lori Clayton, Kyle Childress, Jenna Blinn, Quintera Calhoun, Susan Boudreaux, Blondie Carrell, Carissa First, Mary Johnson, Brett Mize Nancy Kindle, Terry Calhoun, Emma Calhoun
Establish a quorum; Called to order at 7:01 pm.
Pledges recited.
Kyle Childress gave invocation.

Remarks of visitors:
Cindy Bell- Johnny McNally from the Navasota Grimes County Chamber of Commerce asked her to inform council that Gessner Air was voted business of the quarter. The Chamber will host on Oct. 25, a special Halloween themed mixer at 5:30, and on November 10 from 2pm until 6 pm a Red, Wheat & Blues Beer Fest with bands will be held in Navasota.

Erna Freeman- Tall grass around town. Someone complained to her regarding Mission Reclaim’s inability to complete project due to high costs of permits. Senior Center would like to request how to get business only parking signs. Daryl Alford said Carl Schroeder told him it was okay. Gail will check with Carl. Erna Freeman stated that she has a problem with the variance and eliminating permits. She asked council to look ahead toward the future and be proactive.

Joe Boudreaux – Reminded council that there was a salvage yard in town-and when citizens complained council stated there was nothing they could do. After tonight, the town will lose the protections from unwanted businesses..

Sarah Nash – Announced that she is a long-time resident. She informed council that in 1973 – representatives from the National Registry of Historic Places in Washington DC. They declared everything they could see from the copula at the courthouse was to be placed on the registry. First town on Texas to have that distinction. Anderson has always been a charming community. She does not want government in her business however she understands progress is coming to Anderson.

Susan Boudreaux – She informed council that there is a committee formed to review the tax burden to insure will it be fair and who is past due. There are 347 properties of which 99 are tax exempt either religious, agriculture, school or county. Permits could give a start date.

Kyle Childress – Wanted to clarify that the Mission Reclaimed project not going forward is due to internal and legal issues. Mission Reclaimed has doubled clients up to 214 families. Not certain property would meet their needs. Comments by town attorney and previous counsel and the previous town inspector that made them pause regarding the property.

Brett Mize – Gave his thoughts and ideas regarding building issues and preserving history.

Agenda Items:
Mayor Sowell asked council to review the minutes of the regular meeting and tax and budget hearing held on Thursday, September 20, 2018. Carnell Carrell made a motion to accept the minutes from the tax and budget hearing. Daryl Alford seconded the motion. All approved the motion carried. Karen McDuffie made a motion to accept the minutes from the regular meeting. Carol DeBose seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Charlie Diggs presented information about possible street festivals in Anderson. He stated his company would donate a portion to various local organization. All agreed that it sounded like a good event for the town and were polled to approve at the next meeting for a December event.

Mayor Sowell asked council to review Application for Variance for Lori Clayton’s property adding 3 manufactured homes. Discussion was made regarding Harry Walker and David Lilly’s email and disregarding it’s validity. Daryl Alford commented that if the Clayton’s dressed up the property adding privacy fencing and shrubs, she could add two more manufactured homes to the lot. Mayor Sowell reminded council that there needed to be a vote on the current variance to allow for 3 manufactured homes. Attorney Michael Casaretto reminded council that it could only vote on current variance. Carnell Carrell stated it would cost the town $1,300 to get a line to the property. Discussion was had regarding adding a sewer line and the cost to the town to make it possible. Mayor Sowell stated she would call Steve Duncan to review the feasibility. Kyle Childress asked to have his property considered when adding a line. Mayor Sowell called for a vote-on the current variance. Daryl Alford made a motion to deny the variance as is. Karen McDuffie seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Mayor Sowell asked council to review amending Ordinance #119-17 regarding Building Codes removing the required permits and inspections. Karen McDuffie feels that permits are good but never felt inspections were needed. Daryl Alford asked about inspections and why the town hired a cop instead of an inspector. It was brought up that he was an electrician and hired for T-Close certification.
Daryl Alford called for the question. Others wanted to keep permits and asked if could separate. Attorney Michael Casaretto stated that it can be amended to remove or sever out permits/inspections. Karen McDuffie made a motion to sever the permits from the inspections to vote separately and amend ordinance 119-17 to remove inspections. Daryl Alford seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.. Daryl Alford made motion to leave permit in place. Harold Minor seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Mayor Sowell asked council to review the agreement with the Grimes Co. Appraisal District for tax assessment/collections for 2019. Daryl Alford made a motion to approve the agreement. Carnell Carrell seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Trunk or Treat is set for October 27, 2018. Discussion was made regarding the towns participation in the event. Anderson Baptist Church had not decided what they were doing so the town would buy 800 hotdogs and buns along with all condiments. The treat bags the town ordered will be in October 23.

Mayor Sowell asked council to review and approve payment of invoices currently due and payable. Carnell Carrell made a motion to pay invoices. Harold Minor seconded the motion. All approved; the motion carried.

Daryl Alford asked Cindy Olivieri about progress on street signs. It was reported that new signs were up and a complete list given to Katherine Dornak at 911 addressing. Regarding signs it was asked if a Child at Play signs could be added on Buffington, Johnson, and Houston. Also City limit signs. Mayor Sowell will check on speed bumps on Hill Street. There is a concern regarding the pole on Fanthorp. Discussion was had regarding getting Wise Landscape to clean up Johnson Street shrubs by our sewer plant.

Carnell Carrell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Daryl Alford seconded. All approved; the motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned at 9 pm.

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P.O. Box 592
Anderson, TX 77830

Ph: (936) 873-3102

Office Hours : Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m