BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 19th day of November 2024, at 7:00 p.m., there was begun and holden a Special Meeting of the Town of Anderson, Grimes County, Texas.
- Call Council meeting to order and establish quorum. At 7pm Harold Minor, Bessie White, Tanner Krause, Marc Benton, Rebecca Ray, and William Borski are present.
- Business:
Discuss, consider, and possibly take action regarding:
- Consider and take action to Approve Resolution 117-24 approving Signatories for MOU ARPA Funds
- MOU requires four signatories, Mayor Marc Benton, Mayor Pro Tem Tanner Krause, Town Clerk Rebecca Ray and one other Council Member. Motion to approve by Tanner Krause, Second by William Borski, all in favor.
- Consider and take action to Approve and Sign MOU for Obligating ARPA Funds for Sewer Improvements
- 4th Signatory as William Borski
- MOU sets aside committing to $21360 matching fund amount.
- Need to obligate the funds by December 2024.
- Motion to approve by Tanner Krause, Second by Bessie White, all in favor.
- Adjourn at 7:10pm Motion by William Borski, all in favor.
Signed: | Attest: | |
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Marc Benton, Mayor | Rebecca Ray, Town Clerk |